Imgres 5

The History of Computers

  • Z1 computer

    Z1 computer
    The Z1 was the first real programaile computer. It was invented in 1936 by Konrad Zuse. I think that this is a very big milestone because it was the first computer to acualy be probramed. It was really the beginning of modern day computers.
  • Harvard Mark 1 computer

    Harvard Mark 1 computer
    This was really the first official computer build by IBM. I think that it is a major event because it is really when IBM entered the computer world.
  • The first computer game was invented.

    The first computer game was invented.
    the first computer video game was invented by Steve Russell. It was revolutionary because it was the beginning of a new branch of computer technology.
  • The first mouse was invented

    The first mouse was invented
    The first mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart. It was nicknamed the mouse because of the tail coming out the end. It think that is was a big part of computer history because it was the start of point and click technology.
  • Floppy disk

    Floppy disk
    The floppy disk was invented by Alan Shugart &IBM. It was one of the first secondary memory devices, and started a new branch of computer technology.
  • first spreadsheet program

    first spreadsheet program
    Dan Bricklin & Bob Frankston invent the first spreadsheet software that paid for its self in 2 weeks. It is a big discovery because it is a program that some people use everyday.
  • Windows introduces use of mouse

    Windows introduces use of mouse
    Windows starts to use a mouse insead of typing each command. This is revolutionary to the history of computers because it is the start of the total convertion to using a mouse
  • Apple Macintosh Computer

    Apple Macintosh Computer
    The first apple computer that was released for personal use. It was a big milestone because it made computers for people, and not just buisness.
  • The internet was released to the public

    The internet was released to the public
    This was a huge milestone in the history of computer because really what do you do with you computer. Most of the time when you are on the computer you are doing something that has to do with the internet.
  • the first iPhone is introduced

    the first iPhone is introduced
    the iphone revolutionized the phone. it was created by apple, and yeah there had been other smartphones before it but it changed the game. The iPhone is so complex yet so simple. That is why it is the final thing on my computer timeline.