The History of Computers

By mharold
  • Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    Blaise Pascal created Calculus. He also created the Pascaline, a calculating device.
  • The Stepped Reckoner

    The Stepped Reckoner
    The Stepped Reckoner was mechanical, so it didn't always work, but it was used as a calculator.
  • Jacquards Loom (Punched Cards)

    Jacquards Loom (Punched Cards)
    Loom used the punched cards to use as instructions for his computer.
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    He created the modern design of the computer. He was known as the Father of Computers.
  • Lady Augusta Ada Countess of Lovelace

    Lady Augusta Ada Countess of Lovelace
    She was Babbage's helper while he worked. She was known as the first computer programmer.
  • Herman Hollerith's Electronic Tabulating Machine

    Herman Hollerith's Electronic Tabulating Machine
    This took seven years to process, and was used as a calculating/tabulating machine.
  • Vacuum Tubes

    Vacuum Tubes
    Vacuum Tubes are large devices used to create electronis.
  • The Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    The Atanasoff-Berry Computer
    Created by John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry, The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) was the first alectronic digital computer.
  • Harvard's Mark I

    Harvard's Mark I
    Harvard's Mark I is the ASCC, or the Automatic Sequenced Controlled Calculator.
  • Dr. Grace Murray Hopper

    Dr. Grace Murray Hopper
    "The First Computer Bug" Once a moth was found in and removed from her program, it worked perfectly. Computer viruses are now known as "computer bugs".

    The ENIAC, or Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, had planned to be used to callculate ballistic trajectories in WWII. However; it wasn't ready in time.
  • Transistor

    A Transistor is a small device that controls the flow of electronic currents in electronics.
  • The Computer Mouse

    The Computer Mouse
    Created by Douglas Engelbart,the computer mouse was the basic graphical user interface device.
  • The Integrated Circuit

    The Integrated Circuit
    Created by Jack Kilby, the Integrated Circuit was used in most modern electronics in 1958. It was used for the same purpose of the Transistor, but this was much smaller.
  • Microprocessor

    A Microprocessor is any small electronic device that perfroms the functions of a computer's central processing unit.
  • Laptop Computer

    Laptop Computer
    A portable, small computer that is powered by a rechargalbe battery.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    He was the cofounder of Apple Computer Inc., which is now Apple Inc.