
The History of Computers

  • John Nappier

    John Nappier
    Scottish mathmatician invented a set of rods, that become known as Nappier's Bones, that could be used to preform complex calculations.
  • Period: to

    history of computers timeline

  • Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    Blaise Pascal invented a simple calculator that could add up to 8 digits
  • Joseph-Marie Jacquard

    Joseph-Marie Jacquard
    Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented a weaving loom of punch cards that could be used to replicate designs.
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage invented the first machine that used an input-decision-output idea. This machine was called the "difference machine." It was a glorified adding and multiplication machine.
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    In 1890 Herman Hollerith creates a punched card calculator in rder to count the U.S. census. Compared to 1880's census which took 7 years to count, the punch card calculator dropped the timeto only 6 weeks!
  • William Burroughs

    William Burroughs
    William Burroughs built a mechanical calculator that rivaled the Analytical Engine.
  • Lee De Forest

    Lee De Forest
    In 1906 Lee De Forest invented the electronic tube. This vacuum tube made the development of electronic computers possible.
  • German Code Breakers

    German Code Breakers
    in 1939, electronic machines were made for the puropse of emcrypting German codes during World War Two.
  • Howard H Aiken

    Howard H Aiken
    In 1943, Howard H Aiken developed the first programm controlled calculator.It was operated by punch cards of paper tape.
  • Transistor

    At Bell Laboratories, William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen invented the first transistor. Each Transistor could do the work of several electronic tubes and was smaller than a postage stamp. Now computers could be cheaper, use less electricity and heat, and be more compact.

    1946-ENIAC: capable of 100,000 calculations per secind
    1949-EDVAC: first computer to use magnetic tape for storage
    1951-UNIVAC 1: first computer made in numbers for buisness
  • Intergrated Circuit

    Intergrated Circuit
    In 1958, computing was changed forever by the invention of the intergrated circuit. That lead to the invention of the modern day computer chip which does the work of millions of transistors.
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
    grace Hopper developed a high level language compiler. her work is extremley important in the development of computers
  • Computer Languages

    Computer Languages
    1957- FORTRAN
    1959-COBOL (also invernted by Grace Hopper)