
The History of Computers

  • Complex Number Calculator

    Complex Number Calculator
    George Stibitz develops the Complex Number Calculator. This is important because it's a foundation for digital computers.
  • Manchester Mark I

    Manchester Mark I
    The Manchester Mark I computer functioned as a complete system using the Williams tube for memory. This University machine became the prototype for Ferranti Corp.´s first computer.This is important because it's a base for computers to begin to function as a complete system,

    UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer I) was introduced - the first commercial computer made in the United States and designed principally by John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly. This is important because computers are now available to everyone.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    IBM creates the first floppy disk. This event is important because people are now figuring out how to make movable storage so that they can share information. The floppy disk paved the way for other storage devices like the flash drive.
  • Touch Screen

    Touch Screen
    Bent Stumpe with the aid of Frank Beck, both engineers from CERN, developed a transparent touch screen in the early 1970s and it was manufactured by CERN and put to use in 1973. This paved the way for devices such as the ipad.
  • Portable Computer

    Portable Computer
    Altair produces the first portable computer. This was important because until this time, computers were very large and unable to be moved. The invention of the portable computer opened up a gateway of new design ideas and how to make computers even smaller.
  • Windows

    Microsoft Windows introduced eliminating the need for a user to have to type each command, like MS-DOS, by using a mouse to navigate through drop-down menus, tabs and icons. This is important becaue computers are now becomming more organized and easy to use.
  • Nintendo

    The Nintendo Entertainment System makes its debut. This is important because we are beginning to be able to control and use the computer for more things.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau propose a 'hypertext' system, important because it was the foundation for the internet we have today.
  • Google

    Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998. This expanded uses for the computer.