Invention of logarithms
In 1617 an eccentric (some people say mad) Scotsman named John Napier invented logarithms, which is a technology that allows multiplication to be performed via addition. -
The calculating clock
The first gear-driven calculating machine to actually be built was probably the calculating clock, invented by the German professor Wilhem Schickard. -
the French mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal,
built a mechanical adding machine. -
binary system
A german matematitian, Golfried Whilhem Liebnitz introduced the binary system. -
Joseph Marie Jacquard´s invention
In France Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a loom that uses punched wooden cards to automatically wavy fabric designers.Early computers would use similar punch cards. -
First computer algorithms
First computer algorithm In 1843, Ada Lovelance developed the first computer algorithms -
Invention of the Turing machine
Alan Turing presented the notion of a universal machine, later called the Turing machine, capable of computing anything that is computable. The central concept of the modern computer was based on his ideas -
First programmable digital computer
Konrad Zuse invented Z3 , the first programmable digital computer -
The transistor´s invention
William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain of Bell Laboratories invented the transistor. They discovered how to make an electric switch with solid
materials and no need for a vacuum -
Invention of the IBM computer
The IBM computer was invented. -
Invention of the integrated circuit
In the summer of 1958 Jack Kilby at Texas invented the integrated circuit. Our world is full of integrated circuits. You find several of them in computers. -
Production of Unix, an operating system
A group of developers at Bell Labs produced UNIX, an operating system, it became the operating system of choice among mainframes at large companies and government entities. -
Intel unveils Intel 1103
It was the first Dynamic Access Memory (DRAM) chip -
Development of ethernet
Robert Metcalfe, a member of the research staff for Xerox, develops Ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other hardware. -
1.2 millions TB of data.
Google estimates the Internet contained about 1.2 millions TB of data.