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The History of Chocolate

  • Jan 1, 1500

    (1500BC) The Foundtion of Chocolate

    it is believed that the Olmec Indians were the first to grow cocoa beans in 1500BC.
  • Jan 1, 1544

    Coca Beans were Spreaded in Europe

    in 1544, Prince Philip of Spain received coca beans as a gift from Mayans who visited him. It took Spain and Portugal almost a century to begin exporting the cocoa drink to the rest of Europe.
  • The Creation of the Cocoa Drink

    The Spanish began to add cane sugar and vanilla to sweeten the cocoa drink in the 16th century.
  • The First Chocolate House

    In 1657, the first chocolate house was opened in London.
  • The Food of the Gods

    In 1664, the chocolate was born as a solid snack. It was considered so good, that it was called The Food of the Gods.
  • The First Chocolate in the US

    In 1765, the chocolate was introduced to the US by John Hanan.