Canada flag

The History of Canadian Identity

  • The Great Deportation

    The Great Deportation
    The Great Deportation was the expulsion of the Acadians from the Maritime provinces. Acadians had refused to sign an oath of allegiance to Britain, some worked against Britain by helping out the French during conflict. The British governor and the Nova Scotia Council expelled all of the Acadians traitors or not. Years later they were allowed to come back, and nationalism has been strengthened through the governments learning how to avoid similar situations and use better judgement.
  • The Battle on the Plains of Abraham

    The Battle on the Plains of Abraham
    The Battle on the Plains of Abraham was a turning point in the history of Canada. A British invasion defeated Quebec troops and led to the surrender of Quebec to the British. The French lost the city of Quebec and lost control over Canada. Nationalism is founded in the fact that this invasion led to Quebec becoming a part of Canada in later years, and joining the French to Canada in a way.
  • The Royal Proclamation and First Nations Sovereignty

    The Royal Proclamation and First Nations Sovereignty
    The Royal Proclamation set out the guidelines for where and if settlers could settle on Aboriginal lands. All land was called Aboriginal lands unless it was changed because of a treaty. This led to the First Nation's people finally achieving a semblance of sovereignty, it united them with Canada in a show of respect for what had belonged to them in the first place. Nationalism could now be shown by the First Nations in Canada because they had land that was legally theirs.
  • The Quebec Act is Passed

    The Quebec Act is Passed
    The Quebec Act gave French Canadians religious freedom, restored the French civil law, and it recognized the catholic church. This gave the French Canadians a sense of home, it made them less resentful about the fact that they were under British rule. This bonded the French and British in a way through nationalism. The French felt a greater amount of loyalty to where they were living than they did before the Quebec Act was passed.
  • The Assimilation of the Francophone Colonists

    The Assimilation of the Francophone Colonists
    Lord Durham was sent to North America to investigate rebellions that had been happening in Upper and Lower Canada. He hoped that by joining the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada, the French canadians would assimilate to British culture and fit in to the laws that were in place. This greatly affected the French canadians and their sense of nationality in Canada, but now we are learning to include and accept all nationalities and languages instead of trying to force assimilation.
  • The Indian Act is Created

    The Indian Act is Created
    The purpose the the Indian Act was to assimilate the First Nations people into European cultures and customs. The act determined who was and was not considered an "indian". really impacted the First Nations peoples, they were basically controlled in every aspect of their lives. Their children were taken away to be put in abusive residential schools and their identity was striped away. Only after reparations were made, did political leaders understand how that damages nationalism.
  • Chinese Head Tax

    Chinese Head Tax
    The Chinese Head Tax was a very high tax that was imposed on Chinese people who wanted to come to Canada. This was meant to discourage or prevent immigrants from trying to come to Canada after the railway was built. The nationalism of Canada was damaged by this event because the Chinese people are not likely to forget how Canada has treated them in the past.
  • Manitoba Schools and the Federal Election

    Manitoba Schools and the Federal Election
    The Manitoba School Question was a crisis that was related to schools for the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. Since the two groups were similar because of the language they spoke and the religions they practiced. Government officials were not sure if French could survive as a language and if both schools should be funded or not. It is related to nationalism because it is important to preserve all languages and cultures, and not treat groups unequally.
  • The Conscription Crisis WWI

    The Conscription Crisis WWI
    The Conscription Crisis was caused by debate over whether or not men should be forced to join the war. There were also many issues regarding French canadians and English Canadians. This decreased the unity between the French and English Canadians, nationalism was damaged through this.
  • Canada Adopts The Maple Leaf Flag

    Canada Adopts The Maple Leaf Flag
    The colors are meant to symbolize hope and prosperity, as well as peace, tranquility and neutrality. The maple leaf design represents the cultural heritage of the nation and the natural resources of Canada. This increasing the feeling of nationalism in Canada because it gives us something to relate to Canada.
  • Canada Becomes Officially Bilingual

    Canada Becomes Officially Bilingual
    The official languages of Canada are English and French, which "have equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and Government of Canada," according to Canada's constitution. This increases nationalism because we are accepting all people and nationalities.
  • The White Paper on Aboriginal Rights

    The White Paper on Aboriginal Rights
    Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his Minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Chrétien, unveiled a policy paper that proposed ending the special legal relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian state and dismantling the Indian Act. This white paper was met with forceful opposition from Aboriginal leaders across the country and sparked a new era of Indigenous political organizing in Canada. This decreases nationalism because the First Nations wanted to have their rights.
  • Canada Adopts Multiculturalism

    Canada Adopts Multiculturalism
    Canada became the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy. This event was highly important in Canadian identity because it showed that Canada was a safe country to be in and was all about equality. People who might have been discriminated all throughout their life may have a good view on Canada because of it. This connects us all through nationalism and accepting diversity and change.
  • Bill 101 is Passed in Quebec

    Bill 101 is Passed in Quebec
    Bill 101 made French the official language of government and of the courts in the province of Québec. This increased nationalism because it allowed Quebec to express their culture and language in their province without restrictions. But it also separated them from the rest of Canada.
  • The NEP is Implemented

    The NEP is Implemented
    Canada is the 5th largest producer of energy in the world, producing about 6% of global energy supplies, accounting for 13% of global production. People may have a perspective that Canada is a resourceful country and is useful in a way. But nationalism is decreased because it separates provinces according to their energy usage.
  • The Canada Act is Signed

    The Canada Act is Signed
    Canada's Constitution Act, 1982 was signed into law by Elizabeth II as Queen of Canada on April 17, 1982 on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Queen Elizabeth's constitutional powers over Canada were not affected by the act, and she remains Queen and Head of State of Canada. This created nationalism and connected the citizens under the Queen's rule.
  • RCMP Uniforms and the Turban

    RCMP Uniforms and the Turban
    Baltej Singh Dillon fought for the right to wear a turban as part of his RCMP uniform in 1988. Many Canadians protested, believing that the traditional Mountie uniform was more important than his religious requirements. After months of debate, the government announces new changes to the RCMP dress code, including the freedom for observant Sikhs to wear beards and turbans. This action has strengthened nationalism because it shows citizens who are not European that their needs also matter.
  • The Oka Crisis

    The Oka Crisis
    The Oka Crisis was a land dispute between a group of Mohawk people and the town of Oka, Quebec. The crisis developed from a local dispute between the town of Oka and the Mohawk community of Kanesatake. The town of Oka was developing plans to expand a golf course and residential development onto land which had traditionally been used by the Mohawk. This decreased nationalism because nobody was united on the issue, people were taking sides.
  • The Second Referendum in Quebec

    The Second Referendum in Quebec
    It was the second referendum to ask voters in the Canadian province of Quebec whether Quebec should proclaim national sovereignty and become an independent state. This decreased nationalism because Quebec wanted to separate from Canada
  • The Nisga'a Land Settlement

    The Nisga'a Land Settlement
    It was a treaty that was settled between the Nisga'a, the government of British Columbia, and the Government of Canada that was signed in 1998 and came into effect in 2000. The land-claim settlement was the first modern day treaty in the province.The agreement gives the Nisga'a control over their land, including the forestry and fishing resources contained in it. This also encourages nationalism because of the accommodation and willingness to fix former mistakes made by the government.
  • Nunavut is Created

    Nunavut is Created
    In 1999, the map of Canada was changed, the Northwest Territories was divided into two territories to allow for the creation of Nunavut, a homeland for Canada’s Inuit. The creation of Nunavut is testament to the strength of Inuit political leaders and to the flexibility of Canadian political institutions. This strengthens national unity because it shows how Canadian governments care about minorities and are accommodating to people who just want a homeland.
  • Canada Apologizes For Residential Schools

    Canada Apologizes For Residential Schools
    On June 11, 2008, Canada’s Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, publicly apologized to Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples for the IRS system, admitting that residential schools were part of a Canadian policy on forced Aboriginal assimilation. Prime Minister Harper and the leaders of every major federal political party in Canada publicly decreed there was no place left in Canada for the policy of forced Aboriginal assimilation.