1938 - Adolph Stern lists most of the diagnosis criteria and calls the group of people affected " the borderline group"
1943 - Robert Knight introduces ego psychology and describes patients as being in "borderline states"
1941 - George Zilboarg describes the disorder as a mid version of schizophrenia
1942 - Helene Deutsch defines a type of people dependent on others personalities as having "as if personality "
1968 - Roy Gunderson does the first research on borderline personality disorder
1975 - John Gunderson publishes research to help diagnose borderline personality disorder
1967 - Otto Kernberg defines boundaries between psychotic and neurotic, and he places "borderline personality" in the middle
1980 - Borderline Personality Disorder is included in the DSM-III
1993 - Marsha Linehan introduces dialectal behavior therapy (DBT) as an effective treatment
1994 - DSM- IV is published, defining the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder required for diagnosis
2008 - The U.S House of Representatives declares May as the National Borderline Personality Disorder awareness month
Current - Research continues to advance the field