blood flow
British physician William Harvey discovers the circulation of blood. The first known blood transfusion is attempted soon afterward. -
Period: to
The History Of Blood
discovery of red blood cells
Microscopist Jan Swammerdam observes and describes red blood cells.Swammerdam was trained as a physician and he visited Leeuwenhoek on several occasions in 1674. -
first recorded successful blood transfusion
The first recorded successful blood transfusion occurs in England, when Physician Richard Lower keeps dog alive by transfusing blood from other dogs. -
successful animal to human blood transfusion
Jean Baptiste Denis, Richard Lower and Edmund King in England separately recorded successful transfusions from sheep to humans. -
successful blood transfusion
in England, Drs. Richard Lower and Edmund King give Arthur Coga a transfusion of several ounces of sheep's blood for a cost of 20 shillings, suprisingly the patient recovers nicely. Richard lower expeiments on transplanting animal hearts into humans helped alot with heart transplants now! -
how blood lasts longer
CPDA-1 extends shelf life of blood to 35 days. Today, preservatives which can be added to blood extend the shelf life of red cells to 42 days from the time blood is donated. -
Philip Syng Physick
physician Philip Syng Physick performed the first human-to-human blood transfusion. He is not very popular because none of his work was published, so many of the other physicians and anatomists to credit for things that he discovered. -
postpartum hemorrhage
British obstetrician James Blundell performs the first successful transfusion of human blood to a patient for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage. -
milk transfusion
U.S. physicians attempt transfusing milk from cows, goats and humans. -
Immediately after the Food and Drug Administration licenses the first test to detect the antibody to HIV on March 3rd, Red Cross Blood Services regions begin testing all newly donated blood. -
blood types
Dr. Karl Landsteiner first identified the major human blood groups A, B, AB and O in 1901. -
cross matching blood types
Reuben Ottenberg performs the first blood transfusion using blood typing and cross-matching. -
blood type Rh
The Rh blood group was discovered by Landsteiner, Wiener, Levine and Stetson. -
john elliott
John Elliott develops the first blood container, a vacuum bottle extensively used by the Red Cross. -
Soldiers injured during the Pearl Harbor attack are treated with albumin for shock. the bloodmobiles helped alot during the pearl harbor attack. -
Dried plasma
Dried plasma becomes a vital element in the treatment of wounded soldiers during World War II. -
red cross ends blood program
The Red Cross ends its World War II blood program for the military after collecting more than 13 million pints. -
pierce county blood bank
The Pierce County Medical Society recognized a need for a community resource that supplied blood to the people of Pierce County. Using resources established by local organizations after the attacks on Pearl Harbor, the medical society worked with the Pierce County Central Labor Council to establish Tacoma Pierce County Blood Bank, now known as Cascade Regional Blood Services. -
red cross
The U.S. blood system is comprised of 1,500 hospital blood banks, 46 community blood centers, and 31 American Red Cross regional blood centers. -
blood bag
The introduction of the plastic bag for blood collection and preparation of multiple components from a single unit of whole blood. -
blood mobile
Tacoma-Pierce County Blood Bank’s first bloodmobile hit the streets in the 1950's. The bloodmobile allowed blood collection from outlying districts, industries and areas, which could then come back to the blood bank for processing and distribution to community hospitals and clinics. -
army reserves donate blood
US Army Reservists of the 359th Gen. Hosp. lined up to donate blood July 22, 1957 in a Tacoma-Pierce County Blood Bank self-contained bloodmobile. These vehicles were initially converted school buses. -
blood donation is open to everyone
U.S. blood banks move toward an all-volunteer blood donor system. This brings millions of more blood donations. -
First time blood was tested for HIV. Aids first recorded was discovery in 1980. -
testing laboratories
First National Testing Laboratory opens and starts applying standardized tests to ensure safety of Red Cross blood products Today, the Red Cross performs a dozen tests on more than 6 million donors in 5 state of the art laboratories