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The History of Bible Translation

  • 2000 BCE

    The Book of Job Written

    The Book of Job Written
    The Book of Job is written sometime around the time of the Patriarchs. The author and exact date of writing is unknown.
  • 430 BCE

    Old Testament Completed

    Old Testament Completed
    The Book of Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament, is written (exact date unknown).
  • 281 BCE

    Old Testament Translated into Greek (LXX)

    Old Testament Translated into Greek (LXX)
    A group of 70 Jewish scholars living in Alexandria, Egypt translate the Old Testament into Greek, the common language of that day.
  • 96

    The Book of Revelation Written

    The Book of Revelation Written
    John writes the Book of Revelation while in exile on Patmos, during the end of the reign of Domitian.
  • 405

    Bible Translated into Latin

    Bible Translated into Latin
    St. Jerome completes his translation of the Bible into Latin (the Latin Vulgate). This was the first translation of the entire Bible.
  • 635

    Bible Translated into Chinese

    Bible Translated into Chinese
  • 735

    Gospel of John Translated into English

    Gospel of John Translated into English
    Venerable Bede translates Gospel of John into English while on his deathbed.
  • 862

    Slavic Alphabet Created

    Slavic Alphabet Created
    St. Cyril and Methodius create the Slavic Alphabet and begin translating Bible into various Slavic languages.
  • 1382

    Bible Translated into English (Wycliffe)

    Bible Translated into English (Wycliffe)
    John Wycliffe translates Bible into English from the Latin Vulgate.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg Press Invented

    Gutenberg Press Invented
    Gutenberg invents the printing press and publishes the Latin Bible
  • 1526

    Bible Translated to English (Tyndale)

    Bible Translated to English (Tyndale)
    William Tyndale publishes the first Bible to be translated from Hebrew/Greek into English.
  • 1534

    Bible Translated into German

    Bible Translated into German
    Martin Luther translates the entire Bible into German.
  • 1536

    William Tyndale Dies

    William Tyndale Dies
    Henry VIII orders Tyndale to be burnt at the stake for hersesy.
  • 1560

    Geneva Bible Translated

    Geneva Bible Translated
    The Geneva Bible is made in Geneva, Switzerland, and becomes the first Bible to have verse numbers and extensive Protestant footnotes.
  • King James Bible Completed/Published

    King James Bible Completed/Published
    King James commissions 47 Bible scholars to create a Bible translation from Hebrew/Greek.
  • Bible Translated into Indian Languages

    Bible Translated into Indian Languages
    William Carey translates Bible into Bengali, Oriya, Marathi, Hindi, Assamese, and Sanskrit
  • New Testament Translated into Korean

    New Testament Translated into Korean
    The New Testament is translated into Korean under the direction of John Ross.
  • Summer Institute of Linguistics Founded

    Summer Institute of Linguistics Founded
    The Summer Institute of Linguistics is founded and begins translating the Bible into local languages.
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators Founded

    Wycliffe Bible Translators Founded
    William Cameron Townsend founds Wycliffe Bible Translators.
  • The Seed Company Established

    The Seed Company is launched by the former president of Wycliffe Bible Translators, Bernie May.