
The History of Andragogy vs Pedagogy

By stuartt
  • Distance Learning

    Distance Learning
    In 1728 letter writing was the most widely accessible technology considered distance learning. The first documented example of a correspondence course ran as an ad in the Boston Gazette, where a man named Caleb Phillipps offered to teach shorthand to students anywhere in the country by exchanging letters.
  • Alexander Kapp

    Alexander Kapp
    Resource The term andragogy was first introduced by this German grammar school teacher sometime in1833 to describe the educational theory of the Greek philosopher Plato. He used it to refer to the normal process by which adults engage in continuing education.
  • Alexander Kapp's Book

    Alexander Kapp's Book
    ResourceIn the book entitled ‘Platon’s Erziehungslehre’ (Plato’s
    Educational Ideas) he describes the lifelong necessity to learn.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Dewey ranks with the greatest thinkers of this or any age on the subjects of pedagogy, philosophy of mind, epistemology, logic, philosophy of science, and social and political theory.
    From John Dewey: My pedagogical creed, ‘I believe that the only true education comes through the stimulation of the child’s powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself.’
  • Eugene Rosentstock-Huessy

    Eugene Rosentstock-Huessy
    Resource The term andragogy was used in a report by this German social scientist to the Academy of Labor in Frankfurt. He expressed the opinion that adult education required special teachers, special teaching methods, and a special philosphy. Andragogy referred to those needs collectively.
  • Eduard C. Lindeman

    Eduard C. Lindeman
    In 1926 Lindeman mistakenly reported his experiences at the Academy of Labor, Frankfurt, Germany, as Andragogik. It was a sophisticated, theory-oriented concept, being an antonym to 'demagogy'.
  • Constructivism

    Constructivism is a theory of knowledge that argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas. Formalization of the theory of constructivism is generally attributed to Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget, who articulated mechanisms by which knowledge is internalized by learners.
  • Action Learning

    Action Learning
    Action learning is an approach to solving real problems that involve taking action and reflecting upon the results in small cooperative learning groups. Reginald Revans is the author of action learning.
  • Malcom Knowles

    Malcom Knowles
  • Malcolm S. Knowles

    Malcolm S. Knowles
    Knowles concept of andragogy - 'the art and science of helping adults learn' is built upon two defining attributes: First a conception of learners as self-directed and autonomous; and second, a conception of the role of the teacher as facilitator of learning rather than presenter of content.
  • Franz Poggeler

    Franz Poggeler
    German teacher, Franz Poggeler published Introduction into Andragogy: Basic issues in Adult Education. The term andragogy was then used by adult educators in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Yugoslavia.
  • Transformative Learning

    Transformative Learning
    Transformative Learning is the expansion of consciousness through the transformation of basic worldview and specific capacities of the self; transformative learning is facilitated through consciously directed processes such as appreciatively accessing and receiving the symbolic contents of the unconscious and critically analyzing underlying premises. Jack Mezirow developed the Transformative Learning Theory
  • Experiential Learning

    Experiential Learning
    Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience, and is more specifically defined as "learning through reflection on doing".