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The History of American Education
Joseph Lancaster
Joseph Lancaster was the leader and creator of Monitorial Schools. These schools had students taught by mass. Students that were more learned taught students who were less learned under the instruction of the teacher. Joseph Lancaster -
The "Elementary Spelling Book"
In 1783 Noah Webster Published his Elementary Spelling Book. This Book had a huge impact on the history of American Education because it was the first big action that seperated American Education from Brittish Education. Noah even changed the spelling of many different english words to make them different than the Brittish.More Info on Noah Webster -
Infant Schools
Infant Schools were used to teach kids that were between the ages of four and seven. These schools came over from Enland. The first infant school was formed in England in 1818. -
Horace Mann
Horace Mann was a secratary for the first Board of Education. He had a huge impact on Education, by creating the six principles of education. He was also a huge supporter of equality in schools.Horace Mann -
John Dewey
John Dewey was a huge supporter of the Progressive Education Movement. He believed in child-centered learning, focusing education on their needs and interests. He also supported learning by doing, which has had a huge impact on how we teach today. John Dewey -
Edward Throndike
Edward Thorndike believed that a child's education should be tailored to their level of their individul wisdom and knowledge. He also created new testing to help measure a student's level of understanding and knowlege. Eddward Thorndike -
The Committee of Ten
Committee of TenThis committee is the first committee to create a standardized ciriculum for High School. -
The Secondary Schoolo Movement
This movement went on from about 1910 to 1940. During this time High Schools started to bloom all over the country. These schools believed in teaching kids more about preparing for life not just college. Secondary School Movement -
Brown vs. The Board of Education
Brown vs. The Board of Education was a huge decision that lead to the movement of ending segragation in schools. Although this ruling did not end segragation it started a big movement to push for it. This decison started allowing colored studnets to start trickling in to white schools. Brown vs. The Board of Education -
The Civil Rights Act
I definitely think that this is the MOST important part of our history of Education. This act carried on the dreams of Brown vs. The Board of Education. This act truly ended discrimination in schools and allowed everyone to go to school together and recieve a quality education. Today this act is what provides us all with equal oppertunity to get a degree and gain knowledge. Civil Rights Act -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This Act was passed in 1965. It was part of President Johnsom's movement to help end the War on Povery. It was made to help providee quality education to those who can't afford it.Elementary and Secondary Education Act -
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act lead to providing free quality education to those students that are disabled. IDEA -
A Nation at Risk
This report of President Reagan's Exellence in Educdation Commission. This lead to it being shown that schools were doing poorly and something needed to change. Regan started requring mroe exellence in Education, such as more homework, testing and longer school days. -
Charter Schools
Charter SchoolsCharter Schools are private Public schools that are exempt from many Governmental restrictions. The first charter school was opened in Minnesota in 1992. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act led to more support for students that struggled in scshool more, such as Students learning English as a second language and students with disbilities. This act is made to help them be as successful as possible. No Child Left Behind