Accounting error

the History of Accounting

  • 2500 BCE

    first historical records of accounting

    Civilizations like Arabia, Egypt, Rome, Greece used accounting for taxes and public works.
  • 1000 BCE

    Phoenicians create an alphabet with accounting

    Phoenicians create an alphabet with accounting
  • 500 BCE

    Egyptians invent the bead and wire abacus

    Egyptians invent the bead and wire abacus
  • 423 BCE

    First auditing profession created

    First auditing profession created when someone was needed to double check what was entering and leaving storehouses.
  • Period: 1200 to 1493

    First requirements for businesses to keep accounting records

    This was used to keep track of credit accounts with other businesses and day to day transactions.
  • 1494

    Everything about Arithmetic, Geometry, and Proportion published

    Everything about Arithmetic, Geometry, and Proportion published
    written by Luca Pacioli, influenced merchants maintain records to improve efficiency
  • Period: 1500 to

    Double entry records have innovations added

    East India Company invents invested capital, and dividend distribution.
  • East India Company Coat of Arms

    East India Company Coat of Arms
    The East India Company was established on December 31st, 1600.
  • Period: to

    Accounting takes off

    The industrial revolutions causes companies to want to maintain efficiency through operations
  • First organization created for accountants

    Established in Scotland and known as the Edinburgh Society of Accountants and Glasgow institute of accountants and actuaries. Members of such organizations could call themselves "chartered accountants"
  • Period: to

    Accounting becomes very important

    as fraud increases, accounting becomes more important
  • Period: to

    standards for business developed

    After the stock market crash and Great Depression, all standards created for US GAAP have been centrally located to the "codification". Also, computer programs like quickbooks has allowed some accounting to be automated.

    The US GAAP was established in 1973.