The History of a Specific Learning Disability

  • Word/Text Blindness

    Word/Text Blindness
    Dr. Adoloph Kussamual used the phrase for the first time.
  • First Word Blindness Study in Children

    First Word Blindness Study in Children
    Hinshelwood and Morgan/Reading Difficulties
  • 1st U.S. Report on Reading Difficulties in Children

    1st U.S. Report on Reading Difficulties in Children
    Dr. W.E. Bruner
  • Samuel A. Kirk - 1st Person to use the term Learning Disability at a conference in Chicago.

    Samuel A. Kirk - 1st Person to use the term Learning Disability at a conference in Chicago.
    Samuel Kirk used the term while presenting at a conference in Chicago.
  • Congress passes the Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act.

    Congress passes the Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act.
    This is included in the Education of the Handicapped Act of 1970 (P.L. 94-142)
  • Education for All Handicapped Act

    Education for All Handicapped Act
    (PL 91 - 230) First federal law that would mandate services for students with a disability.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    (PL 94 - 142) Mandates a free and appropriate education for all students.
  • IDEA

    PL - 94 - 142, the term handicap is replaced by disability.
  • IDEA Reauthorization

    IDEA Reauthorization
    More access to the general education curriculum, ADHD is now included under Other Health Impairment.
  • IDEA 2004

    IDEA 2004
    School personnel now have more authority in regards to placement. Law is now aligned with NCLB.