The Invention of the first computer
The first ever computer was invented in 1822 by a man called Charles Babbage> Its was funded by the British goverment and when finished was named the difference machiene. -
The first installed C.C.T.V Camera
The first C.C.T.V cameras were installed by Nazi Germany in 1943. The they were installed in Peenemünde to observe the launch of the V-2 Rockets. The noted German enginner Walter Bruch. -
The first electronic computer
The first ever electronic computer was invented - -
The first electronic breathalyzer
Tom Parry Jones of Lions Labotories, Cardiff invented and marketed the first breathalyzer in 1967. Allowing people to measure the amount of achohol in their system. Althought the road saftey act was introduced in 1967 making it illegal to drive under the infulence of alchohol it was not until 1979 the polivcec used the Lions Labotories breatherlyzer on the roads of the UK. -
The launch of iTunes
iTunes was launched on the 15 April 2003 in the USA. -
The release of Xbox
On the 22 November 2005 the new Xbox 360 -
The launch of iPlayer
On the 25 December 2007 BBC iPlayer was launched. The iPlayer was developed so people catch up from the on the lats 7 days of T.V from the BBC on the computer. -
The invention of Snap Chat
The picture sharing social networking site was invented by 4 Stanford students in early September 2011 -
T.Vs like Ipads
Televisions will be like giant ipads the C.E.O of Netflix Reed Hastings has predidted. In an iterview with an english journalist he said he thought "It will have a bunch of apps on it, each app will have a unique experience. An app that has sports content will be quite different from an app that has Netflix type content, movies and TV shows." -
Shapeshifting phones
European scientits have devloped a protype that could drastiacally change the way we communicate. The group have created a new smartphone called 'Morphees thesewhich can change shape due to the function you need.