Erikson Timeline- Kurt Dingle

By kdingle
  • Trust the process

    Trust the process
    When I was about 2-3 years old, I learned how to feed myself. In Erikson's second stage, autonomy versus shame. Around the ages 1-3, most of the development goes through trial and error. But, the child discovers that he or she develops an assortment of skills independently. So, my mom usually feeds me while she eats. She had to do laundry while we were having lunch. While she was gone, I tried using the utensil by myself. It took a few tries, but I finally got it down. My mom came back surprised
  • Period: to

    When "super powers" go "super bad"

    This event happened on the day before Halloween, and I (age 4) just got my new Power Ranger costume. I wanted to reenact a particular scene I watched from a Power Ranger episode. In that episode, a Power Ranger had an ability to dodge attacks in slow motion. In Erikson's third stage, initiative versus guilt, children try to be independent on making their own decisions. They tend to not ask adults questions about their initiatives because children think it's a "nuisance".
  • Period: to

    When "super powers" go "super bad" (continuation)

    On the day of Halloween, I put on my costume to show off to my two friends Chantelle and Gel Mae. I asked them to throw rocks at me. I questioned it at first, but I thought to myself, "they won't throw them too hard". So they proceeded to chuck the rocks at me while I dodged a good amount of them. A few seconds later, Chantelle threw a big rock and I shifted towards it. I felt a sharp pain on my forehead, and I had a decent amount of blood flowing through my face. I ran home to my parents after.
  • Who am I?

    Who am I?
    After elementary school, I (age 12) had to transfer to another school for 6th grade because I moved. So, that means I had to find a new group of friends. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity versus role confusion. During adolescence, kids try to identify who they are as a person. Trying to find out where they fit in society on their standards. On the first day of school, it was my first time riding a school bus. I saw unfamiliar faces, so it made uncomfortable. Luckily, I was on the first bus...
  • Who am I? (continuation)

    stops. As we got to the school, there were groups of kids in their circles. There was a variety of groups; goth, jocks, nerds, etc.. I was walking aimlessly around the playground trying to see if I knew anybody. Suddenly, there were people playing basketball and I was interested. After playing basketball with these people, they asked me to play with them at recess. Hanging out with them remind me of my old friends back in elementary school.