500 BCE
The Greeks
Aristotle was the founder. The greek philosophers set the frame for psychology by analyzing human behavior. -
Coperricus. Galileo was the founder. He refined the approach of experimentation through observation. -
Attacking Dualism
Rene Descartes was the founder. He disagreed with dualistic approach that mind and body are separate. -
Inheritable Traits
Sir Francis Galton was the founder. He determined that genius ran in the families. His writing raised the issue. -
Natural Selection; " Survival of the fittest" The founder was Charles Darwin -
The founder was Wihelm Wundt. He was the father of modern psychology. He used a method of self-observation called introspection. -
The founder was William James. He wrote the Principles of Psychology. Which focused on the mind and behavior. -
Psychoanalytic Psychology
Freud was the founder. Human behavior was mainly driven by primitive, biological urges in conflict with social standards. -
Structure of the brain. The founder was Rian Hall -
Product of experiences. The founder of John B. Watson -
Presence of others. The founder was Albert Bandura -
Behavior is a result of thinking. The founder was Gustav Fechner -
The founder was Abraham Maslow. It focusses on positive regard feeling love, self-acceptance