Assassination in Sarajevo
Archduke Francis Ferdiand and his wife Sofia were shot and killed by Gavrilo Princip, a 19-year-old Bosnian Serb. -
First decleration of War
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia -
Germany Decalres War on Russia
Germany declares war on France
Great Britain declares war on Germany
Ottoman Empire joins Germany and Austria-Hungary
Battle of Tannenberg
Germany defeted the Russian army -
First Battle of the Marne
Battle of Masurian Lakes
Germany defeats the Russian Army -
Battle of Gallipoli
Italy switches sides during the war
italy signs the secret Treaty of London -
Lusitania sunk by German U-boats
Bugaria joins Germany and Austria-Hungary
Battle of Jutland
Only direct battle between Germany and Great Britain at sea -
Zimmerman Telegram
10,000 women marched through city of Petrograd
Nicholas II steps down
US joins the Allies in the war
Bolshevik forces seize the Winter Palace
Lenin signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany
Lenin gives up Poland, Ukraine, Finland, and the Batlic provinces -
Czar family killed
Second Battle of Marne
General Lundendorff informed German leaders that the war was lost
William II leaves Germany
Armistice signed
Treaty of Versailles signed