The Great Society Timeline

  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It also prohibits unequal treatment, including segregation in voting, schools, employment, and public places. At first, the act wasn't enforced heavily, but eventually were pushed. It is still in effect today.
  • Economic Opportunity Act

    This act created Job Corps, VISTA, Project Head Start, and others. This act started programs to fight the "war on poverty". It was somewhat successful, mainly because it did help those in poverty, but it didn't pull everyone out. It is still in effect
  • Wilderness Preservation Act

    Wilderness Preservation Act
    Created the legal definition of wilderness in the U.S. and protected 9.1 million acres of federal land. When it was signed into law, it created the National Wilderness Preservation System.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    Gave money to schools for textbooks, materials, and special education. It also gave each student equal opportunities to receive a good education. It is not in effect anymore.
  • Omnibus Housing Act

    The act expanded funding for federal housing programs and added new programs to provide housing for the elderly and disabled. It also included giving housing rehabilitation grants to poor homeowners, provisions for veterans to make low down-payments to have mortgages, ability for families that qualify for public housing to be put in empty private housing, and matching grants to localities for construction of water and sewer facilities, community centers, and urban beautification. Still in effect
  • National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Act

    National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Act
    Was enacted to introduce new safety standards for motor vehicles and road traffic safety. It was the first law to establish mandatory federal safety standards for motor vehicles. It is still in effect.