The Great Society

  • Twenty-Fourth Amendment 1964

    Twenty-Fourth Amendment 1964
    This amendment prohibits the federal and state governments from forcing voters to pay a poll tax in order to vote. It is still in place today.
  • Wilderness Preservation Act 1964

    Wilderness Preservation Act 1964
    This act set aside over 9 million acres for national forest lands. Many people criticized it and believed the description was too vague. It is still in place today.
  • Medicare Act 1965

    Medicare Act 1965
    Established Medicare, a health insurance program for the elderly, and Medicaid, a health insurance program for the poor. It is still a very successful program today.
  • Housing and Urban Development Act 1965

    A major revision to federal housing policy that expanded funding for existing federal housing programs and added new programs to provide rent subsidies for the elderly and disabled; housing rehabilitation grants to poor homeowners; provisions for veterans to make very low down-payments to obtain mortgages, etc.
  • Higher Education Act 1965

    Higher Education Act 1965
    An act that funded scholarships and low-interest loans for college students. It is still in place today.