The Great Society

By Sam356
  • Tax Reduction Act

    This act was enacted in 1964. This cut down corporate and individual taxes to help grow the economy.
  • Economic Opportunity Act

    Economic Opportunity Act
    This act created more programs that helped with poverty. It created programs such as VISTA and Head Start.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act banned racial discrimination against colored people. It also banned segregation in most businesses.
  • Water Quality Act

    Water Quality Act
    This act required states to have their waters cleaned out for fresh drinking water. This was to provide safe drinking water for everyone.
  • Higher Education Act

    This was enacted in 1965. This helped funded scholarships and low-interest loans for colleges.
  • Highway Safety Act

    Highway Safety Act
    This was enacted in 1966. It was to make sure that drivers on the highway were ensured safety.