The Great Schism- Harley

  • 1377

    Gregory XI (death)

    Gregory XI (death)
  • 1378

    Pope Of Rome Urban VI Elected

    Pope Of Rome Urban VI Elected
  • 1378

    Antipope of Avignon Clement VII Elected

    Antipope of Avignon Clement VII Elected
  • Period: 1378 to 1389

    R. Urban VI

  • Period: 1378 to 1394

    A. Clement VII

  • 1389

    Pope of Rome Boniface IX Elected

    Pope of Rome Boniface IX Elected
  • Period: 1389 to 1404

    R. Boniface IX

  • 1394

    Antipope of Avignon Benedict XIII Elected

    Antipope of Avignon Benedict XIII Elected
  • Period: 1394 to 1423

    A. Benedict XIII

  • 1404

    Pope of Rome Innocent VII Elected

    Pope of Rome Innocent VII Elected
  • Period: 1404 to 1406

    R. Innocent VII

  • 1406

    Pope of Rome Gregory XII Elected

    Pope of Rome Gregory XII Elected
  • Period: 1406 to 1415

    R. Gregory XII

  • 1409

    Antipope of Pisa Alexander V Elected

    Antipope of Pisa Alexander V Elected
  • Period: 1409 to 1410

    P. Alexander V

  • 1410

    Antipope of Pisa John XXII Elected

    Antipope of Pisa John XXII Elected
  • Period: 1410 to 1415

    P. John XXII

  • 1414

    Council of Constance

  • Period: 1414 to 1418

    Council of Constance

  • 1417

    Martin V Elected

    Martin V Elected