Suicide of Socrates
Rome 399 BC The philosopher was order to be his own executioner by drinking poison, a cup of hemlock. He was accused of corrupting the mind of the youth. He remained calm the entire time and died with dignity. -
Becoming a Republic
509 BC Rome became a republic. It was ran by elected officials called Senators. It began when Rome overthrew the Etruscans. The Etruscans ran Rome for hundreds of years until 509 BC. Every citizen was expected to play a active role in governing. -
First Roman Coins as currency
280 BC Romans used gold, copper, platinum, bronze, and silver coinage. The reason behind Rome's adoption of coinage was likely cultural. They also displayed gods and goddesses on their coinage. -
Society Based on Exploitation of Slavery
Rome 200 BC The slaves no only worked in mines, but also in the emperor's farms and potteries. Educated slaves kept private industries going and functioning properly. Slaves that working for industrial purposes were usually divided into gangs. They really stamped an impact on Rome starting in 200 BC and much longer after that. -
Creating Periplus
Rome 110 BC
Periplus was a manuscript that lists the ports and coastal landmarks. The works of Herodotus and Thucydides contain passages that appear on peripli. The oldest form of periplus is as old as the earliest Greek historian, Hecataeus of Miletus. -
Julius Caesar was Born
<a href='http://legacy.fordham.edu/Halsall/ancient/asbook09.asp' >Rome July 13, 100 BC Julius Caesar was born into a patrician family. His full name is Gauis Julius Caesar. He played a significant role in the rise of the Roman empire and the fall of the Roman Republic. -
Caesar became the 1st Dictator of Rome
45 BC He began serving with Mark Antony. He began social programs and government reforms. He also created the Julian calendar. He is mainly known for his military campaigns. -
Assassination of Julius Caesar
March 15, 44 BC Julius Caesar died at the age of 55. He was murdered by 60 senators. The senators all joined in on the murder because they thought Caesar had intentions to form an monarchy and ignore their precious constitution. -
Colosseum was Built
70 AD The Colosseum became the place for celebrations, bloodshed, and sporting events. Nero built the Colosseum after the fire. Its a place where people gathered to enjoyed several forms of entertainment. It measured 620 by 513 feet and was the largest amphitheater around Rome. -
Constantine became Emperor of Rome
306 AD Constantine was born February 27, 272AD and died at the age of 65 on May 22nd. While he was emperor, the government was reconstructed and civil and military authority was separated. He strengthened the government by doing this. While he was emperor the rise of Christianity evolved. -
Constantine split Rome into Two Parts
330 AD Constantine split Rome into western and eastern halves. The western half was centered in Rome. Whereas the eastern half was centered in Constantinople. Th western half spoke Latin and was Roman Catholic. The eastern half spoke Greek and believed in Eastern Orthodox, which was a branch of Christianity. -
Christianity became a Sole Religion of Rome
380 AD This happened with the help of Constantine. In 313 AD, he ended all persecutions of Christians. He also declared toleration of Christianity. It took until 380 AD for Christianity to become the main and only religion of the empire. -
The Fall of Rome
476 AD Constantine triggered the fall of ancient Rome when he divided it into two different parts. Other reasons consist of the invasions of Barbarian tribes, economic troubles, the rise of the Eastern empire, military overspending, and Christianity and loss of traditional values. -
Nero's Rome Burns up in Flames
Rome July 18, 64 AD Nero was born on December 15 of 37 AD. He died on June 9th of 68 AD. Nero spent most of his time and attention of the diplomacy, trade, and enhancing the culture of Rome. There was a rumor that while Rome was in flames, Nero was playing a fiddle. But Nero was falsely accused of this action. In actuality, he was caring his fellow Romans & collecting left over grain. -
Birth of Jesus
0 AD The birth of Jesus occurred on 0 AD. Today it is also known as the Nativity of Jesus. Jesus is the leader of Christianity though he was born into Judaism. He marks the start of AD.