James I Becomes Ruler of England
James I succeeded Queen Elizabeth from the throne in 1603. During his reign, he tried to make England and Scotland one country, but never accomplished it. He also brought peace between England and Spain. -
Period: to
English Revolution
The Mayflower Lands at Plymouth Rock
The Mayflower was a boat that was used in 1620 to bring a group of English Pilgrims and a group of Seperatists to New England. Some of the Pilgrims traveling on the Mayflower left because they wanted freedom from religion. -
Charles I Becomes Ruler of England
Charles I was the kings of England, Ireland and Scotland, and was and absolute monarch. He was constantly adding new taxes to support his lavish lifestyle without the consent of parliament. During his reign, he won the First Civil War and started the Second Civil War which led to his capture and later, execution. -
The Petition of Rights is Passed
The Petition of Right was a constitutional document that was used to set limits on what the monarch could do, such as charging the people more taxes, making people house soldiers, and putting people in jail without a fair trial. -
The English Civil War
The English Civil Wat was a fight between the English Monarch who was King Charles I at the time, and the Parliament. The followers of the King were called Cavaliers or Royalists. They were all trained soldiers and were of noble descent. The Parliamemt's supporters were called Roundheads and were mainly people who were trained to fight in times of need. The Parliament was victorious in the end. -
Death of King Charles I
King Charles I was the First English Monarch to get put on trial. He was being charged for treason, after the English Civil War. Since treason was the act of betraying the monarch, Charles was being charged for betraying himself. The trial ended with Charles being foung guilty and he was executed. -
Cromwell Dies
Cromwell was the one who was responsible for the execution of Charles I. He appointed himself the ruler of England. When he first started ruling, he was against the tyrancy of the other monarchs, but by the time he ended his rule, he considered himself to be a failure because he had become a tyrant himself. -
Restoration of Charles II
After the execution of Charles I, Charles II was next in line for the throne. But instead of being monarch, the Commonwealth took over the throne. When Cromwell died, Charles II was invited to come back as the monarch of England. Charles encouraged a more leisurely lifestyle and was a relief to the people of England after the harsh ruling of the Commonwealth. -
The Glorious Revolution
The Glorious Revolution began when the last monarch of England died. When this happened, William and Mary of Orange came to rule over England. They both signed the Bill of Rights, which was a document that stated the the monarch(s) had limits on what they could do. Everything they wanted to do had to be approved by the Parliament, so the real power was in the Parliament's control. -
Period: to
American Revolution
End of the Seven Years War
The Seven Years War was a war between Great Britain and France over an area of land in Europe, known as Silesia. On one side, there was France, along with Russia, Austria, and Sweden. On the opposing side, there was Great Britain, aligned with Prussia and Hanover. It ended in with a bunch of treaties: The Treaty of Saint Petersburg, Treaty of Paris, Treaty of Hamburg and the Treaty of Hubertusberg. -
Period: to
French Revolution
Royal Proclamation Limits Growth of Amarican Colonies
The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was a document that said that the land of the Aborigional people in North America was theirs and would continur to be theirs after the Europeans started living there. This put limits on where the European immagrants could colonize. -
The Stamp Act is Passed
This was an act that made almost all things on paper, such as books, newspapers and legal documents, had to be stamped and printed on a specific paper that was made in London. There was also a tax on this act that had to be paid in British Currency and was meant to help pay for troops after the Seven Years War. -
The Stamp Act is Repealed
The colonies thought the Stamp Act was a violation to their rights because they were being taxed without consent. As a result, their taxes were never collected properly, and the act was taken back. -
Louis XVI Becomes King of France
Louis XVI became king after his grandfather because his father passed away and was never crowned king. He tried to rule France using new ideas from the enlightenment, which included a greater tolerance to people who were non-Catholic. His subjects dislikes him and his wife, Marie Antoinette, who was an Austrian princess. The people of France stormed the Bastille during the riots in France, and captured Louis and Marie, who were later executed. -
The Quebec Act is Passed
At the end of the Seven Years War, the English were victorious. They had defeated the French, but had agreed to give them a piece of land, now know as Quebec. The act states that the province takes over a part of the Native Reserve, that the oath of allegiance was made into one that didn't refer to Protestant faith, and guarenteed the right to different beliefs. -
The Declaration of Independance
The Declaration of Independance is a document that says that the thirteen colonies (who were at war with Great Britain at the time) weren't a part of Europe any more, and were now a new, independant country called the United States of America. The American victory of the war ends the American Revolution. -
The Estates General is Summoned
This was the first meeting of the Estates General since 1614. In the meeting, there are people who represent the three estates. From the First Estate, the Clergy. From the Second Estate, the Nobles. And from the Third Estate, the Commoners. They were called together by Louis XVI to solve his financial problems. The meeting lasted for many weeks, but ended when the commoners from the thrid estate formed into a different group. -
The Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge that was written and signed by over 500 people from the third estate who were supossed to be in the Estates General Meeting, after King Louis XVI locked them out. When the third estate were locked out, they held their own meeting in the royal tennis courts and began to call themselves the National Assembly. -
Fall of the Bastille
The Bastille was a representation of the Royal Centre of Paris. There was a huge famine occuring in France, along with a number of other problems, and instead of spending money to help the country, Louis XVI sent it away to help the Americans to fight England during their own revolution. His actions sparked a disagreement with his people and they rebelled by destroying the Bastille -
Feudal System Demolished
The Feudal System was a system that was gave people land if they agreed to be loyal and to serve the king. The system was based on the three "F's." Fief (Land), Fealty (Loyalty) and Faith (Religion). This system was broken down by the National Constituent Assembly, which took away the land rights of the Second Estate, and the Tithes that were taken by the First Estate / Clergy -
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Before, the Church and the Clergy had the most power. They had great amounts of land and power, and took in tithes, which is 10% of one's income. The reason they had all this, other than the fact that religion was a big part of people's lives, was because of the feudal system. When the feudal system was demolished, the land started being taken away and the Church could no longer collect tithes, so they began to lose money and power as well. -
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Flee to Varennes
After the French people started rioting, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette began to get scared. Attempting to save their lives, they fled to Varennes, in Maries home country, where they knew they would be safe. But when they were almost there, they were stopped. When they were asked for their passports, the were caught and captured. -
Overthrow of the Monarchy
When Louis and Marie triend to flee France in the midst of the revolution, it showed that they did not agree with the National Assembly, which was know basicaly running the government. When they were caught in their flight, the King and his familly were imprisoned, and Louis and Marie were tried and sentanced to the guillotine. -
The Reign of Terror Begins
The Reign of Terror was a time of many executions that happened after the French Revolution. It was started by a disagreement between two political groups, the "enemies of the revolution." The number of people who were sent to the guillotine was 16,594, which is added to the other 25,000 people who were executed by other means. -
Execution of Robespierre
Maximillen Francois Marie Isidore Robespierre was a lawyer and politition. He was one of the causes and starting points of the French Revolution. Robespierre's followers called him "The Incorruptible," and the people he got advice from called him "The Bloodthirsty Dictator." He was the one who got the people of France "excited" about the idea of a revolution in their country. His execution signaled the near end of the revolution.