Лондон 8

The Great Fire of London, 1666

  • On the evening Saturday

    On the evening Saturday
    Thomas Farynor forgot put out the fire in one of his ovens.
  • Sunday, 1:00 am

    Sunday, 1:00 am
    A spark set fire to the straw of the bakery. Flames began to spread.
  • At 4:00 am on Sunday morning

    At 4:00 am on Sunday morning
    London's mayor, Sir Thomas Bloodworth, was woken up.
  • Early morning, Sunday

    Early morning, Sunday
    Three hundred houses were on fire and winds from the east were causing the fire to spread with frightening speed.
  • Wednesday

    When the strong winds finally died down, to bring the fire under control.
  • On Thursday

    On Thursday
    The fire was totally extinguished. Five-sixths of the heart of the city had been destroyed. Astonishingly, however, it is thought that fewer than ten people died in the blaze! Fortunately, this great fire stopped the plague.