The Great Divide

  • The Cotton gin

    The Cotton gin
    Eli Whitney invented the Cotten Gin which changed the way cotton was produced. It was a simple machine that seperated the cotton part from the seed part of the plant. This made production of cotton increase because of the amounts of cotton the machine could seperate. As the demand of cotton increased it affected the south. Textiles couldnt be built because the south was tied up in slaves. They couldnt produce a way to transport the cotton to places there was a high demand for.
  • Embargo act of 1807

    Embargo act of 1807
    The Embargo act was created by Thomas Jefferson in hope to punish France and Britain for interfearing with the trade of America.Jefferson hoped that this Act would stop a war between the British Trade and American trade. The act did hurt the people dealing with trade. American exports were cut nearly 75% and imports by nearly 50%. This ended up hurting American Trade along with Britain trade because of the smugglers bringing in trade supplies.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was a way for congress to calm down the rivialries between the North and the South. There were differences bewteeen opinions if the state should be a free state or not. At the time the United States was evenely divided into 22 states, half being free the other half being slaves. It was a contriversal debate however it did hold together the Union for more than 30 years.
  • Personal Liberty Laws

    Personal Liberty Laws
    New Jersey and Pennsylvania pass laws, which require a hearing before an fugitive slave can be removed from the state. This leads to conflicts since southern states rely on slaves and dont see them as actual people Vs property.
  • The Tariff of Abominations

    The Tariff of Abominations
    This Tariff of was created in mind to protect in Econominc industry in the North. The South was hurt by this because the increase in taxes on the goods being produced and shipped out
  • State VS Mann

    State VS Mann
    John Mann was a slave owner charged with assult and battery in North Carolina. He went to a court hearing and a Southern judge took the side of pro-slavery. However because the judge showed biased and took favor with the Whte man it caused controversy. Many people favored him being guilty of assult against a slave.
  • The Mexican American war

    The Mexican American war
    The United States sent forces over to Texas to fight with Mexico. This war was controversial because antislavery people believed the war’s purpose was just to expand slave territory
  • The compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 was bills created in order address the issue of slavery made by Henry Clay. Tensions between the North and the South grew especially after the Mexican war,the compromise solved these problems. It alowed Californa to becaome a free state, changing up the boundaries between Utah and New Mexico, and ending the slave trade in Washington DC.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    This novel was Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe .It is about the realities of Slavery during this time . It made people realize what was really happening at the time and even Lincoln declared, "So this is the little lady who started this great war." To the south this novel was an insult to the way slavery was handled, so it led to fights and protest being made about the book. Howver it eventually jusst ended selling even more copies of books than any novel at the time.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska act

    The Kansas-Nebraska act
    This act allowed the settlers of a territory to decide by popular sovereignty if slavery was allowed. This was proposed by Stephine Douglas. Clonflicts came from this which eventually led up to what was known as Bleeding Kansas which led up to the Civil war.
  • Bleeding Kansas 1854-1861

    Bleeding Kansas 1854-1861
    Bleeding Kansas is what they called the violence that was happening after the Kansas-Nebraska act over rulled the MIssorui compromise. This changed the way the state was determined free or a slave state. Abolitionist John Brown led anti- slavery fighters into Kansas.
  • Dred scott case

    Dred scott case
    Dred Scott was a slave who had spent time in Wisconsin which was a free state at time. However because Scott was not considered a " person" under the constitution that led to issues about him being a free slave or in fact still a slave. This led to further debat about slave owning, these tensiion would lead up into the Civil War.
  • John Browns Raid

    John Browns Raid
    John brown led a group of 18 men into the town of Harper's Ferry, Virgina. He went into the town with ease and took hostages , the slaves did not come to his side but the townspeople did. The event did not last long but the small act of rebellion ledd to admiration in the North of what John Brown had done.
  • the Election of 1860

    the Election of 1860
    Lincoln was voted in on this day to be the 16th president. This was important because he was agaisnt slavery and he is what led up to the Abolishment of slavery. Without lincoln being voted as president things would have been different with the civil war.