The Great Depression

By bryce5
  • Amsterdam Summer Olympics

    Amsterdam Summer Olympics
    In 1928 the Olympics where held in Amsterdam which had 2,883 athletes from 46 different nation. Germany had participated for the first time since 1912. During these Olympics also had double the normal amount of women for events.
  • The Wall Street Crash

    The Wall Street Crash
    In October of 1929, the biggest and most famous stock market crash happened. This caused many banks to close, leaving people panicking about their money. This was also the event that had sparked the start of the Great Depression
  • Herbert Hoover is Elected President

    Herbert Hoover is Elected President
    Hoover serves his first term as the 36th president and had represented the republican party. He ran against Governor Al Smith who was representing the democratic party
  • The Dust Bowl

    The  Dust Bowl
    This was a major dust storm that had swept the area in the 1930's, covering the land for days and destroying many crops and some life. The storm swept from Texas to Nebraska and had started from drought and poor agricultural practices which had resulted in wind erosion
  • FDR Is Elected President

    FDR Is Elected President
    This will be his first of 4 terms and set a record for winning four elections. He had ran against Herbert Hoover who was representing the republican side.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    This was a plan implemented by FDR and was a series of programs, public work projects, regulations, and financial reforms
  • US Moves off the Gold Standard

    US Moves off the Gold Standard
    The US moves off of the gold standard economy, which prevented the government from printing and issuing money at will, ran up large deficits, and increased national debt.
  • West Coast Waterfront Strike

    West Coast Waterfront Strike
    A strike that had lasted 83 days as longshoremen in every West Coast port walked out as sailors joined them several days later. They had also successfully slowed down the movement of goods out the port.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    Established to employ 8 million workers over the next years to build things like roads, bridges, and airports.
  • Peak of the Heat Wave

    Peak of the Heat Wave
    Around late July of 1936 Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan all had set records for the temperature.
  • FDR Serves Second Term

    FDR Serves Second Term
    This will be FDR's second term as president. He will run against Alf Landon who was representing the republican party
  • WWll Begins

    WWll Begins
    Adolf Hitler led German forces into polish territories through land and air, starting WWll. FDR decided to support France and Britain against Hitler and his German Forces