The Great Depression and Dust Bowl

  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was a global economic crisis.that began with Black Thursday.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    The first day of the stock market crash. Briticanna Black Thursday
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    The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl was a series of severe dust storms that swept across America throughout the years of 1930-1936
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act Signed

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act Signed
    The Tariff Act of 1930 was signed by President Hoover on June 13th 1930. The act implemented protectionist trade policies in the United States.
  • Food Riots of 1931

    Food Riots of 1931
    Starting of February of 1931, hundreds of people smashed the windows of grocery stores and stole food and goods. PBS Food Riots
  • The Hoover Damn is built

    The Hoover Damn was named after President Hoover and protected many cities and farms, generating cheap electricity and providing jobs. Betchel Hoover Damn
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Takes Office

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Takes Office
    Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated the Republican Party in November 1932 and took office the next year in 1933. FDR Library
  • The New Deal is passed

    The New Deal is passed
    On March 9th 1933 Roosevelt sends the Emergency Banking Act which is passed on the same day
  • Dust Storm near the East Coast

    Dust Storm near the East Coast
    A massive dust storm around two miles high hits the East Coast. HISTORY Dust Bowl
  • Black Blizzard (1934)

    Black Blizzard (1934)
    A large dust storm sweeps across the Great Plains HISTORY May 11 Dust Storm
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    One of the worst Dust Storms in US history hits Oklahoma and Texas. HISTORY Black Sunday
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    Germany invades Poland on September 1st 1939, starting World War II.