
The Great Depression and Dust Bowl

  • The beginning

    The beginning
    Black Thursday "kicked off" the stock market crash
  • What made it worst?

    What made it worst?
    Smoot-Hawley Act raised import tariffs and arguable worsened the Great Depression
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl begins
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The New Deal launched programs like the Social Security Act to reverse the downward economic spiral
  • The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act

    The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act
    The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act allots $200 million for refinancing mortgages to help farmers facing foreclosure.
  • The Farm Credit Act

    The Farm Credit Act
    The Farm Credit Act established a local bank and set up local credit assosiations.
  • Emergency Relied Appropriation Act

    Emergency Relied Appropriation Act
    FDR approves the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, which provides $525 million for drought relief, and authorizes creation of the Works Progress Administration, which will employ 8.5 million people.
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    Black Sunday. The worst “black blizzard” of the Dust Bowl occurs, causing extensive damage.
  • The ending for the Great Depression

    The ending for the Great Depression
    Economy started to grow again and the Great Depression was over
  • The ending to the Dust Bowl

    The ending to the Dust Bowl
    In the fall, the rain comes, finally bringing an end to the drought.