The Great Depression

  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The US Stock Market crashes on Black Tuesday, people who bought stock on margin lost millions of dollars.
  • First Bank Panic

    First Bank Panic
    The first bank panic ensues causeing bankruptcies
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    Severe drought and Dust Bowl conditions began to ruin farmers’ land.
  • Riots

    Food riots broke out, workers marched on Detroit, and “foreign workers” were deported
  • 100,000 Total banks have failed

    100,000 Total banks have failed
    100,000 banks have failed since 1929, crippling the economy.
  • Unemployment Hits 25 Percent

    Unemployment Hits 25 Percent
    Unemployment sky rockets to an unbelievable 25 Percent average for the year.
  • The New Deal Beings

    The New Deal Beings
    President Roosevelt begins to implement the new deal, this began to help the economy, it implemented things like minimum wage and maximum work week, and child labor laws, and unemployment compensation. As well as agricultural loans, civilian constervation corps were formed, and bank reform was put into action.
  • Hitler Comes to power

    Hitler Comes to power
    Thanks to Germany's economic desperation, hitler was able to push his way to the top, and gain the people's love by turning the economy around.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President
    Franklin D. Roosevelt turned around America's Unemployment rate, when he became president the unemployment rate was 25 percent, and in 1937, it had fallen to 14.3 percent, a dramatic difference.
  • Germany Recovers

    Germany Recovers
    Germany's war preparations and Heavy defecit spending finaly pulls Germany out of it's depresion
  • Agricultural adjustment act

    Agricultural adjustment act
    The agricultural adjustment act established a minimum wage and maximum work week.
  • Roosevelt elected 3rd time

    Roosevelt elected 3rd time