Period: to
The Great Depression
Stock Market Crash
Also known as "Black Tuseday." Began late October of 1929, the crash of the stock market signaled the beginning of The Great Depression. Americans living in the rural areas emigrated to the vast prospering cities, the vast emigration from rural areas continued to neglect US agriculture indusrty, which created a widesrpread financial despair for American farmers. This was said to be one of the key factors that led into the stock market crash. -
Federal Home Loan Bank Act
Created a credit reserve intendted to increase the supply of credit available to the housing market, thereby allowing people to buy and maintain homes. -
Civilian Conservation Corps
Unemployed, unmarried men, Originally for young men ages 18–23, it was eventually expanded to young men ages 17–28. -
Banking Act
Joined together two long-standing Congressional projects:(1) a federal system of bank deposit insurance championed by Representative Steagal and (2) the regulation (or prohibition) of the combination of commercial and investment banking and other restrictions on “speculative” bank activities championed by Senator Glass as part of a general desire to “restore” commercial banking to the purposes envisioned by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 -
Social Security Act
was a social welfare legislative act which created the Social Security system in the United States. -
The Public Contracts Act of 1936
Set a minimum age employment sixteen for boys and eighteen for girls in firms supplying goods under federal contact