the great depression

  • stock market crash

    stock market crash
    In 1929 the stock market crashed causing american go into dept, and it was mark as the start of the great depression.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
    An act sponserd by senator smoot and representative hawley hence the name. This act raised tarrifs on all imported goods.
  • Hoover tries to create jobs

    Hoover tries to create jobs
    Hoover went before the United states congress, and asked for 150 million dollars to try and create jobs.
  • Roosevelts elected into office

    Roosevelts elected into office
    Roosevelt won the election by a landslide he carried 42 states while Hoover only carried 6. Roosevelt had 472 electoral vote while hoover had 59.
  • Civilian Conservation corps (ccc)

    Civilian Conservation corps (ccc)
    Designed as an employment program, made up of men between the age of 18 and 27. They work in national forests to help restore them.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

    Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
    A federally experimental hydro electrical power program. men built dams, produced and sold fertilizer and reforested the Tennessee valley
  • the claim that California is no longer in dept

    the claim that California is no longer in dept
    Upton Sinclair clamed the california is no longer a start that was in dept because he was such a great governer
  • Black sunday

    Black sunday
    Dust storms hit the great plains in the time span of 1930 to 1934. The storms were the result of droughts and over use of land. Oklahoma lands were hit the hardest.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, this was to be funded through taxes. This was an act made to provide to the general welfare and give benefits to the old and help crippled children.
  • Roosevelt is re-elected

    Roosevelt is re-elected
    Once again Roosevelt blew through the doors with a great victory winning 523 electoral votes, only leaving landon with 8.
  • Roosevelt's third election

    Roosevelt's third election
    Roosevelt didnt completly stomp his competion in this election, but he still put them to shame with a whooping 449 electoral votes. He left willkie with 82 electoral votes.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    Roosevelt signed a Act and gave the U.S. military the right to help aid Britain in World War 2