More countries involved
In 1928 America wasn't the only country to be depressed, Germany, Brazil, and southeast Asia were all getting effect with no money and jobs for people -
Black Tuesday
this event hit wall street, investors traded around 16 million shares on the New York exchange everyday. Had thousands of dollars lost and caused the country to have little money to support businesses and market/businesses fell -
It begins
In 1930, 4 million Americans couldn't find work, in the southern eastern states had a drought which led to no crops growing -
Food Riot
There was very little food and goods, people tried stealing and taking from other families to get food for their families, there were a lot of droughts, the economy shrank by 6,4% -
The dust storms
By mid September in 1932 there were 14 dust storms the mid west part of the country, the economy had went down by 13%q and 23q% were unemployed -
Hoover signing
June 6, 1932 the revenue act was signed. It increased the top income tax rate to 63%, hoover believed it work boost confidence but it did the opposite -
Federal emergency relief
May 1933 there was a new company, or service for people which also meant there were new job. This new company handed out loans and build power stations -
Black Sunday
The worst dust storm had hit 1934. The FDR had passed the soil conservation act to teach farmers methods to help, this was also the year the US had hit the hottest temp and droughts covered 75% of the country and states -
Social security
The social security act was passed, helping elderly, blind, disabled an children in low income households with fiances -
The hottest records
The Heat waves in the year killed 1,693 people, and 3,000 or so drowned trying to coo off -
FDR started his 2nd term and cut spending to reduce debt. He also pushed congress to enact a $5 billion relief program for people in need -
This was the beginning of WW2, Hitler had invaded Poland. FDR had congress repeal the US army to Great Britain and France . The economy had grown 8%, the unemployment kept falling and debt rose to 40$ billion