Stock Market Crash
Black thursday was a sign that the great deppression was going to become greater and it stopped the roaring twenties. -
Hawley Smoot Tariff Act
This act was enacted to raise tariffs on imported goods in order to encourage Americans to buy local goods. This act was also created to slow down the escalation of the Great depression. -
Bank Holiday
President FDR created a day where banks closed and goods could be bought by trading other things in exchange of needed supplies. -
Civillian Consevation Corp
The CCC was a way of givving unemployed and unmarried men money for working on land. This New Deal act was for men at the age of 18 thru 25. -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
The AAA was passed to reduse the surplus of farmed goods so they could sell them for a greater price it also payed the farmer to kill off livstock that was not needed and to not plant on part of their land. -
Wagner Act
Also known as the National Labors Act was created to help workers in unions from any harm their employer would uphold. This basiclly was a saftey net for workers so their boss couldn't say if you go on strike your fired. -
Social Security Act
This act gave old age pention, unemployment conpention, and state welfare. It helped every one in some way wether you were over 65 or living in "Hooverville". -
Period: to
Berlin Olymics
Adolf Hitler wanted to use his athletes to show that the Arayan race was superior but failed when Jesse Owens of the American team defeated Hitlers Team. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
He won presidancy once again and served four terms as a president. -
Fair Labor Standard Act
FLSA was an act that employers had to be very watchful for because it established restrictions dealing with employees that had never been seen. -
Grapes of Grath
The Grapes of Grath is a book written by John Steinbeck about a family ,the Joads, who are going thru the suffering of the Great Deppression just as everybody else but are stuck in the dust bowl, they are forced to move and find hope in California just like other okies did before and after them.