The Great Depression

  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover becomes president.
  • Market Begins to Crash

    Market Begins to Crash
    The stock market begins to crash.
  • "Black Tuesday"

    "Black Tuesday"
    The stock market plunges, the great depression officially begins.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
    The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act is passed. This raised import duties to protect American businesses.
  • Food Riots

    Food Riots
    Food Riots begin to break out across the United States.
  • Unemployment Rises

    Unemployment Rises
    Unemployment rises to 23.6%
  • Roosevelt makes "New Deal Speech"

    Roosevelt makes "New Deal Speech"
    Roosevelt makes "New Deal Speech"
  • Bonus Army of U.S. Vets

    Bonus Army of U.S. Vets
    The Bonus Army of U.S. Veterans marches on D.C. The U.S. Army uses force to remove them.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected President
    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president.
  • First New Deal Begins

    First New Deal Begins
    Safeguards are placed on banking.
  • Second New Deal Begins

    Second New Deal Begins
    Many public works projects begin, creating many new jobs.
  • WWII Begins and the Great Depression Ends

    WWII Begins and the Great Depression Ends
    Germany invades Poland, starting WWII. The U.S. builds up its military and the Great Depression comes to an end.