
The Great Depression

By nadams7
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    People were selling their shares in stock that they were buying for more than they were worth. This was due to there being too many of them. Millions of shares were traded on this day, called "Black Tuesday." Millions of people lost money due to this. Click Here
  • Banks Started to Fail

    Banks Started to Fail
    Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was implemented to protect American businesses and farmers, which did not help the strain of the international economy. It raised the United States' tariffs even higher. People lost trust in banks and chose not to use banks to deposit money into or take out loans.
  • President Roosevelt Elected as President of the U.S.

    President Roosevelt Elected as President of the U.S.
    President Roosevelt beat President Hoover in the race for president of the U.S. during The Great Depression. People voted for him with hope that he would fix all of the problems and make things better.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    President Franklin Roosevelt created The New Deal consisting of programs to attempt to fix The Great Depression. This deal assisted people with jobs and managed prices.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    A dust storm occurred from high winds blowing dust from Texas to Nebraska. Many people had difficulty breathing due to the dust. This created difficulty for farmers causing them to move into cities for work. This negatively impacted the economy.
  • The Second New Deal

    The Second New Deal
    New jobs continued to be created. As part of President Roosevelt's programs, the Social Security Act was signed into law. This assisted the disabled and elderly with unemployment issues and insurance.
  • Unemployment Rates Decrease

    Unemployment Rates Decrease
    Results from President Roosevelt's New Deal Programs began to be noticed due to the creation of more jobs decreasing the amount of people who were unemployed.
  • President Roosevelt is Re-elected

    President Roosevelt is Re-elected
    President Roosevelt's ability to bring hope and provide assistance to the people during his first-term as president allowed him to be re-elected as president of the U.S.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    WWII began during The Great Depression. This war was caused by Germany invading Poland. The U.S joined in and fought in this war when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
  • The End Of The Great Depression

    The End Of The Great Depression
    The Great Depression ended during World War II. The economy was recovered due to the jobs created for the production of resources required for the war and the impacts of President Roosevelt's New Deal programs.