The gradual increases if nazis persecution of the jews

By Aubrieh
  • Burning of “Un-German” Books

    The Germans burned books and controlled what the people read. including jewish holy books. And they only wanted to have pro nazi materal printed.
  • Hitler becomes fuhrer

    On august 19th Hitler abolished the office of the president and announced that he was now the Fuhrer or supreme leader of germany.
  • Evian Conference of Refugees

    In July of 1938 after Germany annexed Austria many jews applied to immigrate to other countries outside of Europe President Franklin D Roosevelt called an international conference to talk about the problem. Many Countries said they would not take jews or refuges and it would hurt their economy
  • Polish Jews Deported from Germany

    Poland was unwilling to accept around 17,000 jews in 1938 so they built a “No-man land” between counties”.then soon turned into a refugee camp.
  • St. Louis Sails

    On May 13, 1939 the ST. Louis Sails is a ship and it was meant for refugees of jews that had 937 jews aboard but we refused them.
  • Mass Murder Begins at Chelmno

    Chelmno was the first Major killing operation in order to annihilate the Jewish population. Chelmno was also the first location to use gas to mass-murder Jews. At least 172,000 Jews and others were killed here.
  • Operation Reinhard Begins

    Operation Reinhard was to target over 2 million jews at the Belzec killing center and they would gas jews.
  • Dorothea Diek

    She was arrested because of her faith and she was forced into labor at 24
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italys new minister worked with the allies to make italy surrender and then Nazi invaded germany right after.
  • FDR Creates War Refugee Board

    the WRB with FDR helped european jews help other jews escape from the nazi’s. The WRB is the War Refugee Board and the FDR created that board. The board was supposed to help out the jews instead of helping Hitler.
  • Germany Occupies Hungary

    In March 19, 1944, the Nazi Germany Invaded Hungary to prevent the country fromjoining the Allies and leaving the Axis. And the Nazi invaded Hungary because Hungary had the largest Jewish population.