The Gradual Increase of Nazi Persecution of the Jews.

By Anika.P
  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    In November of 1932, the Nazi party won 33 percent of the vote, which was more than any other party, in the German Election. Due to this, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler, who was the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI Party), the new chancellor of Germany. This shows persecution for Jews because with Hitler chancellor he decide for war and to blame jews for almost everything even if it wasn't their fault.
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    This law was put into place by President von Hindenburg. This law took away freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right for people to assemble. This meant that the government now could control what was being published to citizens of Germany. This shows persecution to Jews because the government got to control what people said. What people published so they could force people to say bad things about Jews and publish it. So non Jews would believe it because it's from the government.
  • Civil Service Law

    This law was put in place to remove jews and political opponents of Nazis from civil positions,or like everyday places including,School,University,government jobs. This didn’t apply to people who had been in the job before August 1941,people who had fought in World War 1 or lost a father or son in the war.This shows persecution to Jews because it shows that they removed civil rights for Jews like schools and jobs. So they would not be able to make any money to afford food to survive.
  • Burning of Un-german books

    Basically, what happened in this event is Hitler ordered all of the Nazis to burn all of the books, almost, because the only books considered to be okay were ones that were pro-nazi. Any book that was Anti-Nazi, Un-German, or published by a Jew were burned. This shows persecution against jews because they burnt books that jews believed in and jewish culture just because it wasn't pro nazi so they had to burn them.
  • Press Censorship Law

    They didn't want jews to work in the newspapers any longer. Newspapers also could not publish any information that was against the Nazi party. Anyone who was found publishing anti-nazi material would be sent to a concentration camp. This showed persecution to Jews because they could post anything about the nazi party's or else they would get punished they they usually would just have to right about jews and write about stuff that isn't true.
  • Laws against criminals

    The government had to hold prisoners indefinitely, even if they served a prison term. Just because nazis decided the prisoner was a “dangerous habitual criminal. This shows persecution because it's easy for jews to be blamed so people can just blame jews for doing nothing so they get sent to jail.
  • Jewish Name Law

    Any jew who did not have a jewish name had to take the name of Israel or Sarah. This showed persecution to jews because they didn't have any rights they didn't even get to choose their name anymore because of the laws and because then they would know if they were jewish and should stay away because they thought jews caused most of their problems.
  • Kristallnacht Attacks

    Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) started after a Polish-Jewish teenager learned his family was deported from Germany, then, because of that, he shot a German diplomat in Paris. After that, Nazi supporters launched planned attacks on jewish homes, stores, cemeteries, and synagogues.This shows persecution against jews because the whole point of this attack was against anything jewish because everything that was bad was mostly blamed on jews.
  • St. Louis Sails

    This event was a ship that sailed jews to Cuba so they could stay there until they got there visas so they could go live in the United States Freely, but Cuba, United states, and Canada did not take them in because they did not have the correct paperwork so they got send to England, France, The Netherlands and Belgium and only Two-thirds of them survived the holocaust.This showed persecution because Canada didn't want them because of paper work and because of that only ⅔ survived.
  • First prisoners arrive at Auschwitz

    In june 1940 all Christian and Jewish people were put into concentration camps and most of them went to the most popular camp of all Auschwitz and were imprisoned for years and tested on and killed. This shows persecution to jews because they sent people that believed in certain things like jews to go be tested and eventually killed just because of their religion. When other people don't have to because their not jewish.
  • Fanny Wertheimer Valfer

    In 1942 Fanny was sent to Auschwitz with her husband. They were likely sent to a gas chamber and killed. Vanny was 56. This shows persecution because they were sent to Auschwitz just for being jews there is no real reason that they got sent just because they were jewish now because of that they got sent to a gas chamber and got killed.