The Gradual Increase of Nazi Persecution of the Jews

  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    In 1933, the nazi party won 33 percent of the vote in the German election. President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler, who was the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), the new chancellor of Germany. This was a key event leading to the Holocaust. Hitler gained power when he was appointed chancellor.This was the first step to the Holocaust as Hitler had the power he needed to start his movement forward in eliminating people he wanted to.
  • Reich Citizenship Law

    The Reich Citizenship Law indemnified who was jewish or not.This law affected many people, even those who were christian. They made it so people knew what Germany thought a “Jew” was. Those with 3 or 4 jewish grandparents were considered jews. This law, along with the law for protection of German blood and German honor, institutionalized many of the racial theories and ideology of the Nazi Party.
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    Evian Conference of Refugees

    President Roosevelt called an international conference of diplomats,representatives from 32 different countries met in EVIAN-LEs-BAINS,France in july 1938. A majority of them said they would not let any more jews into their country.Some said that if they let more jews in it would hurt their economy when most said they didn't want jewish people. When they did not accept refugees from fleeting from germany the jews had to beg for hitlers mercy.
  • Jewish Name Law

    The law of Jewish name law required Jews that didn't have a first name to take the middle names of Israel for men and Sara for women. By January 1st,1939 Jews needed to obtain new passports or identity cards with their new names.These documents were marked with a J for Jew. They were persecuted against by not being able to keep their name.
  • Press Censorship Law

    They didn't want jews to work in the newspapers any longer. Newspapers also could not publish any information that was against the Nazi party. Anyone who was found putting out anti-nazi material would be sent to a concentration camp. Jewish people were persecuted against because they couldn't work for the newspaper anymore. Plus everyone in Germany wasn't getting the real news.
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    Kristallnacht Attacks

    Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) started after a Polish-Jewish teenager learned his family was deported from Germany, then, because of that, he shot a German diplomat in Paris. After that, Nazi supporters planned attacks on jewish property. Places like homes, stores, cemeteries, and synagogues. 30,000 men and boys were arrested and sent to concentration camps. 7,000 businesses were destroyed.
  • Anti-Jewish Economy Law

    This law was targeted specifically Jewish home owners.Jews could not own businesses, and if they did then they would have to sell them to an employee or Nazi supporter for a very low price. If jews are not able to own a business then they would not have any money. No money means no food or house. So jewish people were persecuted against by not being able to own shops.
  • First Prisoners Arrive at Auschwitz

    On June 14th, 1940 all Christian and Jewish people were sent and put in concentration camps.Most of them went to the most popular camp of all Auschwitz and were imprisoned for years. They were tested on, starved, tortured, and killed. This event happened at the beginning of the holocaust when Hitler started sending people who were not Aryon to camps.
  • Jewish Badge Introduced in Germany

    Jewish people were targeted and forced to wear a yellow patch in the shape of a start. They had to wear it to show they were jewish. They also wore it to isolate and humiliate jews just for being jewish. If a jewish person did not wear the star.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Begins

    In Warsaw, Poland, Nazi forces attempted to clear out the city’s. Jewish ghetto is met by gunfire from Jewish resistance fighters, and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising begins. On January 18, 1943,the Nazis entered the ghetto to prepare a group for transfer. Fighting lasted for several days, and a number of German soldiers were killed before they withdrew. 300,00 jews were killed.
  • Anne Frank

    In 1942 Margot Frank was ordered to report for forced labor. The family then decided to go into hiding above Otto's business at 263 Prinsengracht Street. Anne began writing in a diary a few weeks before the family went into hiding. In 1944 the gestapo discovered the hiding place. Annae and her family went to a camp in the Netherlands, then auschwitz- birkenau. Otto Frank survived and published her diary in 1947.