The gradual increase of Nazi persecution of the gay people

  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    In November of 1932, the Nazi party won 33 percent of the vote, which was more than any other party, in the German Election. Due to this, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler, who was the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI Party), the new chancellor of Germany. This gave Hitler power to get rid of people he didn’t like, like homosexuals.
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    This law was put into place by President von Hindenburg. This law took away freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right for people to assemble. This meant that the government now could control what was being published to citizens of Germany. This made it so homosexuals couldn’t get the normal news. Instead, everything was controlled by the Nazis.
  • Burning of “Un-German” Books

    Basically, what happened in this event is Hitler ordered all of the Nazis to burn all of the books, almost, because the only books considered to be okay were ones that were pro-nazi. Any book that was Anti-Nazi, Un-German, or published by a Jew were burned. This ment books about gays/homosexual people were burnt because they were “un-German”.
  • Hitler Becomes Fuhrer

    President Paul Von died. Hitler became president. Hitler got rid of the office and declared himself as the dictator. Hitler could do whatever he wanted to do. This event gave way to Adolf Hitler having more power so he now could do more to get rid of Gay people.
  • Mandatory Military Service

    When a military needs people to fight in a war, but there aren't enough volunteers, sometimes they'll begin conscription, which is a law that says if you are able to fight, you have to fight. Also called the draft, conscription legally requires people to join the army, with penalties if they don't. This shows that homosexuals were persecuted against because they had to join the army even if they didn’t want to.
  • Jehovah’s Witness Organization Banned

    They banned what he did not want to be banned so then he did not do what hitler told him to do he did not give up. This shows that Homosexuals in Jehovah’s Witness Organization had the program banned so they no longer were able to work on the Jehovah’s Witness Organization.
  • Revision of Paragraph 175

    This law was already an existing law but it was revised by the German government. This law had gay men persecuted because the were seen as corrupting “ german Values” because they where not adding to the population, But since lesbians could still have biological children they were usually not targeted.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    After German troops had lined up on the border, the jews and non-jews of Warsaw fled thinking the Polish army could hold off the German troops. After heavy bombing and tens of thousands of rounds used up, in a month’s time Poland had been taken over. France and Great Britain, on Poland’s border, had declared war. Starting the world war in Europe. This means that all the gay people in Poland were now under Adolf Hitler’s rule putting them in danger.
  • Germany Invades Western Europe

    Germany had launched a surprise invasion of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. The countries surrendered very quickly. People in Western Europe were now under the Nazis control. This led to Adolf Hitler having more power over the Gay people.
  • Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews

    Everyone was targeted by the law because if normal people were caught hiding or helping jews then they would get a death penalty. This shows that if Homosexuals helped Jews then they would be killed.