My Birth
On August 7th 2001, at 12:24 am, my parents Michelle and Jim Joseph gave birth to me at Abington hospital. My dad tells me that I was almost born in the elevator at Abington hospital because I came unexpectedly early. -
On this day an act of terrorism was placed upon the united states, by the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. Planes were hijacked to fly into the twin towers in New York City as well as the Pentagon in Washington D.C. About 3,000 Americans died on September 11th 2001. Since 9/11 airport security has greatly increased, American nationalism has increased, and on May 2nd 2011 Osama bin Laden was pronunced dead. www.americanhistory.abc-clio.com -
War on Terror
This the war that America has been fighting against terrorist groups, the goal is to neutralize islamic terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda. The war began on September 11 when terrorist group, Al Qaeda, hijacked planes to attack New York and Washington D.C.. To retaliate from 9/11 the US attacked the Taliban government thus starting the war. The war on terror is expected to last generations because traditional war is not being fought but unconventional methods of attack are being placed. -
War on Terror Citation
Board of Education vs. Earls
This supreme court decision allowed school district official to drug test students that do extracurricular activities. People claimed this went against their fourth amendment right. They kept it and stated that it allowed schools to identify and prevent drug abuse. This effected many students in states such as Oklahoma. Although many schools do not require it they have the ability test you. https://americangovernment.abc-clio.com/Search/Display/498353?terms=no+child+left+behind+act&sType=quick) -
Goodridge vs. Department of Public Health
This is the ruling of same-sex marriage being legalized in Massachusetts. It was said to be unconstitutional because it went against some peoples religious and ethical beliefs. The states government feared children would grow up differently with gay parents. The legalization was passed when they realized that having gay marriage would not lessen opposite-sex marriage.(https://americangovernment.abc-clio.com/Search/Display/583746?terms=goodridge+v+department+of+public+health&sType=quick) -
George W. Bush's reelection
George W. Bush, republican, beat out democrat John Keery with about 51% of the votes. Bush used his leadership strength as his form of presidency after the 9/11 attacks. He pledged to improve education, health care, and social security athlough his foreign policy issues swayed religious voters. Bush won the reelection and became the president of the USA from 2000-2008. (https://americanhistory.abc-clio.com/Topics/Display/2005569?sid=1035854&cid=143&subId=37&useConcept=False) -
Death of my Pop-Pop
My Pop-Pop Donald Peterson died at the age of 74 although I was young and do not remember him much it was very sad for my family and I. He was my moms dad and he was loved by many family and friends. -
Roper vs. Simmons
The supreme court decision that ruled executing criminals under the age of 18 violates the 8th amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. This was brought up when Christopher Simmons of Missouri committed a murder at the age of 17 and was sentenced to death but got over turned. However in the rest of the US juveniles can get the death penalty according to Stanford vs. Kentucky(1989). (https://americangovernment.abc-clio.com/Search/Display/1715860?terms=roper+vs+simmons&sType=quick) -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina hit parts of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana and killing over 1,600 people while destroying thousands of homes. Breaks in levees in New Orleans caused tremendous flooding over 30ft in some surrounding areas. The federal government asked for up to $100 billion in funds to help recover and repair destruction throughout the devastated region. (https://americanhistory.abc-clio.com/Search/Display/1301223?terms=hurricane+Katrina&sType=quick) -
Obama's Presidency
Barrack Obama beat John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. President barrack Obama became the first African American president. Prior to the democratic national convention Obama announced his running mate, Joseph Biden. During his presidency he "fixed" the health care problem with Obama care. He also took a new approach to the war on terror helping with Us advisories around the world.
(''https://americanhistory.abc-clio.com/Topics/Display/38) -
During Barrack Obamas first election he promised a health care reform, Obamacare. Many people believed that this would cause a government takeover of healthcare. This prohibited private insurers (public opinion) and raised taxes on the wealthy, and had employers pay a fee if healthcare was not provided. The affordable care act was passed and it was an expensive and long term plan that required taxes.
(https://americangovernment.abc-clio.com/Search/Display/1484488?terms=obama+care&sType=quick) -
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
When the Transocean's Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico causing the off-shore oil spill outside of Louisiana shores. 11 workers were killed while 17 were injured. This effected the ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico and killed may of the animals that live there. The BP payed $18.7 billon dollars to settle all federal and state claims regarding the Deep Water Horizon oil spill, this also included the biggest pollution penalty in US history. -
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Citation
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Atlantis has been the last American only space shuttle sent to space in a while because countries, such as Russia, have better economics for space exploration. This cost the United States roughly $450 million dollars. Atlantis was sent out to visit the International Space Station and change out the partial detector with a new one costing about $2 million dollars. America has many big plan for space exploration, but many of them are far fetched and unrealistic based on our economic wealth. -
Space Shuttle Atlantis Citation
Hunter Soccer
My first year play soccer on a travel team I was in 4th grade and I made the A team. That year I didn't play much, but was the third leading goal scorer. The following year I got cut and was put on the C team. That year we won our division and moved up to the next highest division, and I was the leading goal scorer on that team for the next 5 years. From being on that team I learned a lot about how even though I didn't make the A team again, not give up and make the best out of my situation. -
CISV, or Children's International Summer Village, which is an organisation that promotes global friendship. For CISV I went to Germany for a month with 3 other kinds and 1 adult. We stayed in a school right outside of Hamburg with kids from about 24 other countries. I made many close friends and I also learned a lot about other countries culture. This was a very good learning experience for me and I most importantly learned not to judge someone base on where they come from but by who they are. -
Boston Marathon Bombing
During the 117th annual Boston Marathon an act of terrorism was placed upon the US, resulting in 253 casualties. 2 bombs were set off , both near the finish line, and Boston was silenced in fear that more bombs could potentially go off. The suspects were Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar. Tamerlan was killed in his attempt to flee while Dzhokhar was captured and sentenced to the death penalty.(https://americangovernment.abc-clio.com/Search/Display/1805705?terms=boston+marathon+bombing&sType=quick) -
My Moms Heart Attack
Last year on the way back from my families vacation to Florida my mom suffered from a minor heart attack. It was most likely stress induced, but it was very scary for my family and me. We had to stay in North Carolina for three days while she got treated. This was scary because my dad also has some heart problems such as atrial fibrillation. This was a wake up call for my sisters and I that we have to be careful about what happens to our hearts. -
Won the PAGLA championship
My AGLC, Abington Girls Lacrosse Club, team won the PAGLA, Pennsylvanian Area Girls Lacrosse Association, championship. We played against the Horsham Girls Lacrosse Club. The ending score was 8-6 and it was one of the happiest moments of our lives. After that game I learned that I really loved lacrosse and that if I work hard enough I could play in college. -
Same-Sex Marriage
On may 17th 2004 Massachusetts approved same sex marriage. In California the same sex marriage ban was over turned in 2008 giving equal rights to all couples. In the 1960s there was a raid of gay people by the police in a New York bar, the Stonewall uprising. Same-sex marriage has become a big thing for the gay community since the raid and mistreatment not that long ago. (https://americanhistory.abc-clio.com/Topics/Display/2006638?sid=1896343&cid=143&subId=38&useConcept=False) -
San Bernardino Shooting
An act of terrorism was again placed onto the US in California, causing the death of 14 people and 22 injured. The criminals included Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were both alleged muslim terrorists, who were seen to attack with not specific motive. These attacks took place shortly after those in Paris. This made people think more about gun control rights and if citizens should still have the right to bear arms. -
San Bernardino Shooting Citation
Stephan's Death
Stephan was my sister, Sarah's, really good friend and he was battling with Lymphoma cancer for a few years. He would sometimes be getting better and then other times become very sick and a few months prior to his death he was doing well until he became very ill. Stephan's death was devastating to many people, as to it was so sudden. Although I did not know Stephan very well his life has taught me a lot such as living life the the fullest everyday and staying positive even when times are tough. -
Varsity Lacrosse as a Freshman
On the Abington girls lacrosse team 7 freshman made the lacrosse team. I also made the team under the coach Amanda Kammes and Casey Kellogg, NXT employees. Although during the ear I did not play much it was a great experience that I would not trade for anything. I learned a lot about lacrosse and the player that I am. Making Varsity lacrosse last year was very exciting because playing lacrosse is my favorite hobby and I one day hope to go to college and play. -
Watching Jessica Graduate
My sister Jessica graduated from Lock Haven University with a degree in early childhood development and special education. Watching her graduate was very inspiring to me because I hope to see myself in a similar position when I am her age. It was surreal seeing her graduate because it really inset something you thing about until it is happening. For me it seems so far away but in reality its right around the corner. -
Orlando Night Club Shooting
An Orlando, Florida LGBTQ night club was faced with the shooting of Omar Mateen, 49 people were killed. Mateen blamed his murders on him being a terrorist, but others have heard it is due to a mental illness. This incident, like many other mass shootings, has brought up many debates regarding gun-control, immigration, and terrorism. Should this event have been a wake up call for a change in our countries laws? -
Orlando Nightclub Shooting Citation
Winning TADA Games
Penn State won TADA games 2016 captioned by Sarah Lancaster and Kevin Fitzgerald, although i was not a caption Sarah and I made up all the dances which contributed to our winning streak. Winning TADA games was very worthwhile because it showed all your hard work and everything you've accomplished over the two-week time period. I learned after winning TADA games how to be a better leader and that you can have fun without the use of drugs and alcohol.