The Giver Timeline

By Jiggy
  • Jonas's dad brings home a baby

    Jonas's dad brings home a baby
    Jonas's dad brings home a baby named Gabe
  • Jonas starts to see color

    Jonas starts to see color
    Jonas stars to see the color red in an apple
  • Jonas goes to the ceremony of twelve

    Jonas goes to the ceremony of twelve
    Jonas goes to the ceremony of twelve to get evaluated for his job
  • Jonas is chosen to be the reciever

    Jonas is chosen to be the reciever
    Jonas is chosen to be the receiver at the ceremony of twelve
  • Jonas learns that he is able to lie

    Jonas learns that he is able to lie for his training
  • Jonas learns first memory

    Jonas learn his first memory, which was a memory of snow
  • Jonas receives a memory

    Jonas receives a memory
    Jonas receives a memory of a rainbow
  • Jonas starts seeing color

    Jonas starts seeing color
    Jonas starts seeing bits of color
  • Jonas tries to encourage others

    Jonas tries to encourage others
    Jonas tries to encourage Asher and Lily to see the world around them, and then fails
  • Jonas experinces Pain for the first time

    Jonas experinces Pain for the first time
    Jonas experiences physical pain for the first time