The Giver

  • Utopia

    Definition: an ideal community or perfect society
    Example sentence: Lily's community was perfect. Everything was organized tightly, and everything told was followed. Nothing was ever done wrong.
    Antonyms: Chaotic, War, Dilapidated
  • Conformity

    Definition: The act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in with them.
    Antonyms: different, unique
    Example sentence: Everybody in the school dressed the exact same, a blue shirt with the school logo, and jeans. The entire school was in conformity.
  • Chastise

    Definition: to discipline or punish Example sentence: The little girl was chastised for no listening to the rules, she was put into a timeout. Antonyms: reward, forgive
  • Vast

    Definition: Very big, huge in size or extent; immense. Example sentence: The oceans are very vast, they never seen to end. Its like they go on for infinity. Antonyms: small, tiny, short, cramped
  • Recollection

    Definition: a memory of an event. Example sentence: The patient stated: " I have no recollection of anything after my accident. I don't recall anything after the crash." Antonyms: Amnesia, forget
  • Apprehensive

    Definition: uneasy or fearful about something that might happen. Example Sentence: In the book, "The Giver" Jonas describes his feelings for the Ceremony of Twelve as "Apprehensive" he was very nervous. Antonyms: Calm, confident, definite