Year 1 The Giver
A new born is given a name and family unit at the Ceremony of Ones. -
Year 2 The Giver
Year Two is when a child recieves baby clothes as the Ceremony of Twos. -
Year 3 The Giver
Year three is when a chid recieves hair ribbons. -
Year 4 The Giver
A child recieves a jacket that buttons in the backto learn interdependence. -
Year 5 The Giver
At Ceremony of Fives you get your first toy. Whether your a girl you get a barbie or boy you get legos. -
Year 6
At year six you get your first book. -
Year 7 The Giver
A child gets a jacket that buttons in the front with small pockets to keep their own small belongings in. -
Year 8 The Giver
At year eight children begin their vounteering hours -
Year 9 The Giver
At the Ceremony of Nine you recive a bicycle. The bicycle represents going out into the community away from their family unit. -
Year 10 The Giver
Age nine is when children are given adult haircuts -
Year 11 The Giver
Year eleven is when children recive adult clothing. -
Year 12 The Giver
Year twelve is the most exciting year. You recieve your assignment. An assignment is basically your job. -
Year 1 My Life
This was the year I was born. It was also the year I was adopted and moved to the United States. I don't really remember this point in my life, but I know it is a major part in my life. Unlike in Jonas's community, I was named after my grandma's best friend. In Jonas's community the newborn's names were determined by the nurturers not the family unit. A similarity that my timeline has with a kid in Jonas's community is that we both become a year older in December. -
Year 2 My Life
When I was two years old, my mom dressed me in a watermelon outfit. I instantly decided it was my favorite and refused to take it off. That's a similarity between my time line and a kid inIn Jonas's society. We both recieved baby clothes when we were two. -
Year 3 My Life
When I was three years old my family and went to visit Cedar Point, an amuesment park in Ohio. Years before my family had been, this was my first time. A kid in Jonas's community probably never went on vacation. They have never traveled outside of their society. In our society we travel to different places all the time. -
Year 4 My Life
At age four, i started wearing barrets.In Jonas's community at Age four you would get a jacket that buttons in the back to learn interdependence. I kind of learned interdependence because I could not put in the barret myself. I had to have my mom help me just like the children in Jonas's community had to ask others to button up their jacket. -
Year 5 My Life
When I was five i had my first birthday party at Chucky Cheese. I remember being so scared of the giant mouse. In Jonas's community the children didn't have birthday parties instead they toys. Our timelines are kind of similar, beacuse when a kid in Jonas's community recieved toys at age five I got my first polly pockets. -
Year 6 My Life
When I was six years old, my family and I went to Chicago for mine and my dad's birthday. While there, we went to the American Girl doll store and I bought my first American Girl doll.In Jonas's community a child at six would get a book. The two gifts are both for pleasure althogh I would mch rather prefer the American Girl doll. -
Year 8 My Life
At age eight I baked my first cake all by myself.Of course, the cake tasted awful. In Jonas's community at age eight you begin your voulunteering hours. You can volunteer where ever you want. I had originally not wanted to make my sister's birthday cake, thinking baking was boring. As I kept baking cakes I started to really like it. That's kind of like in Jonas's community. When you first volunteer you may not like it because it sounds boring, but once you do it you'll see that you really enjoy. -
Year 7 My Life
At age seven was when i recieved my first bike, but of course i couldn't ride it bwcause it was winter. In Jonas's community a child recieves a bike at age nine. For us now, age nine seems like a really old age to learn how to ride a bike. -
Year 9 My Life
Age nine was when I found out that the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus weren't real. It was a very depressing day for me. While in Jonas's society, nine year olds recieved bikes. I am assuming they were very happy, enjoing their youth and not being sad that their favorite person(Santa Claus) isn't real. -
Year 10 My Life
This was one of my favorite birthdays. I recived a Nintendo DS for my birthday. A kid in Jonas's community recieved an adult hair cut. In Jonas's community they are stariting to be reconized more as adults then children while I'm still playing with video games no where near looking like an adult. -
Year 11 My Life
For my birthday I got clothes from all of my favorite stores. My present is somewhat similar to what a kid in Jonas's community would recieve when they are eleven. In Jonas's society the elevens recieve adult clothing. I also got clothes for my birthday. -
Year 12 My Life
So far this is my favorite year. My volleyball team won third in the nation at AAUs. I also won the All-American award. In Jonas's society year twelve was also a big point in their lives, they would find out their assignment. Comparing my time line to Jonas's they are both the same yet different. We both recieved tremendous awards, but I was ecstaiced while Jonas was kind of scared and didn't realy want his assingment.