Rockefeller Incorporates Standard Oil
The Stsndard Oil Company was incorporated in Ohio by John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil Company was at the top of the oil market through horizontal integration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Oil -
Panic of 1873
A nationwide financial panic was struck by the collapse of a Philadelphia investment bank, Jay Cooke and Company, that led to severe economic depression that lasted for six years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1873 -
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
A strike that shut down thousands of miles of track throughout the northeastern United States that was initiated by firemen and brakemen from the Baltimore ans Ohio Railroad. http://teaching.msa.maryland.gov/000001/000000/000070/html/t70.html -
Assassination of Garfield
Charles Guiteau, a federal office-seeker, shot President James Garfield. Garfield dies seventeen days after. http://fineartamerica.com/featured/6-garfield-assassination-granger.html -
Haymarket Riot
A bomb was thrown killing six policemen and wounding more than 60 others in Chicago's Haymarket Square in support of striking workers from McCormick Harvester Works. https://homicide.northwestern.edu/historical/movements/haymarket/ -
Battle at Homestead Steel
A battle that killed seven steel workers ans three detectives. Steel workers prevetned the two barges filled with srmed Pinkerton Detectives from landing. http://www.steelvalleytrail.org/POI.html -
Federal Troops Crushed Pullman Strike
Federal Troops were sent by President Grover Cleveland to enforce a court order prohibiting American Railway Union leadership from encouraging striking workers. http://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/2012/06/this-day-in-labor-history-june-26-1894