Alicia martin books7

The Future Of Our Libraries

  • Makerspaces

    Libraries will have areas available for students to create (art, STEM, coding, etc) projects.
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  • Social Networking

    Social Networking
    Libraries will continue to provide access to social media and Web 2.0 applications to connect with students.
  • 1:1 Devices

    1:1 Devices
    HUSD is working toward implementation of 1:1 devices for all students.
  • eBooks & Online Subscription Databases

    eBooks & Online Subscription Databases
    HUSD will continue to advance with technology by providing online subscription databases. We will also continue to expand our eBook collection districtwide.
  • Digital Textbooks

    Digital Textbooks
    HUSD will provide access to digital textbooks for any new adoptions, as well as provide continued online access to our existing textbooks that have an online option/access code.
  • 24/7 Libraries

    24/7 Libraries
    HUSD will work toward providing flexible library hours to better meet the needs of our students. Students already have 24/7 access to resource lists as well as a selection of free, vetted online resources through Destiny (online card catalog).