Period: to
French Revolution
The beginning of the revolution.
May 5, the meeting of the States General.
June 7,The Day of the Tiles (French: Journée des Tuiles). . -
In May 5,Louis XVI convened the Estates General to approve a tax reform.
In June 20, The Tennis Court Oath was taken.
In July 14,Storming of the Bastille.
In August 4, Abolished the privileges and manorial rights.
In August 26,The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (excluded women and slaves). -
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Constituent Assembly
Period: to
Constitutional Monarchy
Constitution(political liberalism).
On September 5, Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen.
The new constitution assembly drew up a constitution.
On June 4, The king Louis XVI tried to escape france to lead the counter-revolution. -
Period: to
Legislative Assembly
On April 20, the National Assembly declared war on Austria and Prussia.
On July, the Austrian army reached the gates of Paris.
On August 10, The king's residence, the Tuileries palace,was stormed and king Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were imprisoned.
On September the National convention was formed.
Began universal male suffrage. -
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Social Republic
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Girondin and Jacobin Conventions
Olympe de Gouges was accused of being a realist and guillonited for opposing death penalty for Louis XVI.
Execution of Louis XVI.
Constitution (social democracy).
The king and queen were tried by the National Convention and accused of treason and execute on the guillotine.
In June ,Jacobins with the support of part of the bourgeoisie and the san-culottes,came to power.
A new constitution with a new Bill of Rights was approved. -
Fall of the Jacobins.
Moderate republicans carried out a coup known as the Thermidorian reaction,which gave power to the Directory. -
Period: to
Conservative Republic
Constitution(political liberalism).
The new leaders arrested and executed leaders suchs as Roberpierre and initiated a period of ´white terror´against the Jacobins.
The new republican regime annulled Jacobin social laws and approved a new Constitution. -
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People in exile begin to return. -
After a coup d'état, Napoleon proclaimed himself Emperor of France.
Napoleon Bonaparte ended the Directory and the Revolution. -
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Napoleonic Period
Napoleon became emperor.
Spain was invaded and and jose bonaparte(Napoleon's brother) was made king. -
Period: to
The Spanish Revolution was the process that began when Napoleon's troops invaded the Iberian Peninsula. -
The empire has reached its maximum extension. -
A new European coalition led by Great Britain,which occupied Paris. -
On September 26, Congress of Vienna Holly alliances.
On June 18 ,Battle of Waterloo.
Napoleon was definitely defeated .
The French monarchy was restored and previous borders were redrawn.