Louis XVI chosen to be future king
In the year 1768, Louis XVI was chosen to be the future king of France. -
Marie Antoinette moves to france
Marie Antoinette moved with her family to france when she was just a teenager. They did this after news had broken out that a new king was to be chosen. -
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are married.
In 1770 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were married. At the same time, the rest of France was dealing with economic and political problems. These problems were created due to an imbalance of power of the three estates. -
Louis XVI becomes the King of France
Louis XVI becomes king aire to Louis XV. -
Call of the Estates Generals
King Louis XVI calls the clergy, the noblemen, and the rest of France together. (first time in years) -
Storming of the Bastille
Revolutionaries storm the Bastille. They do this to make a statement against the first and second estates. -
Period: to
French Revolution
Declaration of the Rights of Man
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a document constituted by the French National Assembly outlining the rights of the people of france. -
Persian market women march on Versailles
In the year 1789, Persian market women march on Versailles to protest the high price of bread in France. -
The Royal Family attempts to flee France.
The Royal Family attempts to flee, but are caught in the act and sent back to France where the king is sent to trial. -
Execution of King Louis XVI
King Louis XVI is convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and guillotined. -
Marie Antoinette is executed.
Marie Antoinette is executed by the third estate. She dies as the final Queen of France. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
Reign of Terror ended with the death of Rosepierre. The Reign of Terror "was a period of violence that occurred during the onset of the French Revolution" -www.historywiz.com/terror.htm -
1794 Execution of Robespierre
In the year 1794, Robespierre is executed ending the French Revolution. -
Napoleon rises to the throne
Napoleon Bonaparte rises to the throne at the end of the French Revolution. He was a French military and political leader of France.