
The French revolution timeline

  • The reign of terror

    The reign of terror
  • The attack on the Bastille

    The attack on the Bastille
    the falling of it was the flash point of the revolution. its storming was a symbol of the abuses of the monarchy
    : from
  • The tennis court oath

    The tennis court oath
    the 3rd estate represenatives who abloished fudalism. they also met at the tennis court
    : from notes
  • Churchs

    abloish the churchs ability to impose the treasury.
    :from any place where this is in the reading.
  • The battle of valmy

    The battle of valmy
    and the french where forced to with draw.
    : to any place that has this in the readings.
  • causes of the revolution

    :absolute monarchy
    :philosophers inspired the revolution
    :from notes in class
  • The bread march

    The bread march
    thousands of women protesting down the streets because the price of bread was to high and people where starving.
    this is one of the most significant events during this time period.
    :also from
  • The franch revolution

    The franch revolution
    40,000 people where killed including the king and the queen. This was the end of a horribl war and long fight.
    :from notes
  • Mirabean died

    before the legislative assembly adopted this darconian measure
    : from any plac that has this in its readings.
  • The royal escape

    The royal escape
    the king thought up of a plan to take the carrage and try to escape. he was caught 3/4 their and tolk back to paris and beheaded after sitting in prison.
    :from notes
  • The envention of the guillotine

    The envention of the guillotine
    in which highwayman Nicolas Jcaques Pelletier was executed very well
    : from
  • National assembly

    National assembly
    the third estates represenatives where forced to meet together in secreciy. they truley representate the 3rd estate. the next day they showed up and the doors wher locked. so they met a th nextdoor tennis court
    : from notes
  • The death of king

    The death of king
    he was beheaded ,as a result of trying to escape and sitting in prison
    : from notes
  • The D.R.M.

    also the same people who met at the tennis court. the third estate would keep meeting until it was done. the promis was kept.
    : also from notes
  • The death of the queen

    The death of the queen
    French hated her anyway. she tryed to escape along with her husband. also put the counrty into a very bad debt.
    : on
  • Control

    Jacobins directly assumed control untiil 1799.
    : any place that had this in the readings.