The French Revolution ( The Count of Monte Cristo)

  • French debt after the American Revolution

    French debt after the American Revolution
    The Peace of Paris is signed and the American Revolution ends. The French spend over a billion livres, ptting them into about 3.315 billion livres in debt.
  • The Assembly of Notables meeting

    The Assembly of Notables meeting
    The Assembly of Notables is for the upper class to have some of the say in goverment ssues and lawmaking. In this meeting they primaraly disscused th national debt. Calonne also presented his reforms of taxes: he was refused.
  • Estates-General meeting

    Estates-General meeting
    The Estates-General was a meeting to let the three estates bring thier grievences to the king. THe three estaes are clergy, nobility, and commoners.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The deputies of the Third Estate were coming together to discuss problems, but when they arrived to thier meeting hall, however, they were locked out. They thought that this was a blatent attempt by the king to break them up. They didn't, though, and they moved thier meeting to a nearby indoor tennis court.
  • Bastille

    The citizens of France were angered by starvation and rumors of attacks from the goverment. Citizens armed themselves and stormed and captured Bastille.
  • the Great Fear

    the Great Fear
    The Great Fear was caused by rumors that armed men were roaming the countryside. The peasents then started to arm themselves, they even attacked manor houses. Riots started within the country.
  • The Declaration of Rights

    The Declaration of Rights
    The National Assembly created and organized a document defining the individual and collective right of the estates of the realm. It also establishes the fundamental rights for the French.
  • The September Massacres

    The September Massacres
    The massacres took place for 5 days. It was several attacks on prisons around Paris, And approximately 1200 prisners died in these attacks.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    During this time over 16,000 french citizen were guillotined including King Luis XVI and the Princess of Lambelle. This period lasted over a year.
  • The end of the Directory

    The end of the Directory
    The Exsutive Directory has been overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte. It was the replaced by a consulate, and this marked the end of the revolution.
  • Edmond Dantes enters the Chateau d'If

    Edmond Dantes enters the Chateau d'If
    Edmond Dantes was ripped from his betrothal feast by the chief prosocuter, who has recieved a letter portraying Dantes as a Bonapartist. He is told he is innocent, but the chief prossocuter, Villefort, after hearing his father's name being mentioned, imprisons him wrongfully, just to protect himself.
  • Escape!

    The Count escapes from his prison which he has been within for 14 years. He swims to a nearby island after almost drowning in the prison's "graveyard."
  • The count arrives in Paris

    The count arrives in Paris
    The Count of Monte Cristo arrives in Paris a month after his expirences with Albert. This is the very beginnig of his plan of revenge.
  • The Count's revenge! (1)

    The Count has taken his revenge through a former slave, Haydee, by uncovering a long buried secret for Morcerf, one that should've remained buried. (exact date unknown)
  • Mercedes begs for her son's life.

    Mercedes comes to the Count and they use the names from before. She begs and pleads for her sons life, and the Count grants this wish. This shows a change in him, showing that he has become more forgiving. (exsact date unknown)
  • The Count's Revenge! (2)

    Next on the list was Villefort. The Count took his revenge in the form of grief. He also thougt that he had overstepped his boundries, for young Eduard was also killed, and the Count didn't wish this. ( exsact date unknown)
  • The Count's Revenge! (3)

    The Count's Revenge! (3)
    The Count's finllal revenge was on Danglars. His form of revenge was debt. We know that Danglars loved money more than his family, for he wrote a letter to his wife that it was her fault for his bankrupcy. (exsact date unknown)